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The feeling of a weight on my chest made it hard for me to breath, my eyes fluttered as I saw some blurry shadows moving around. It didn't take long for me to realize that the shadows represented my parents. I could see their worried faces. I wanted to scream for help because of the pain I felt, but I couldn't talk. I felt paralyzed and tired, I tried to reach for my mom's hand but I couldn't reach it.

"Tom! She's waking up", my mom's worried voice called out as her voice faded. The sound of heels hitting the floor filled my ears.

I felt my dad grabbing my hand. I could hear him sobbing which was unusual, i've nerver heard my father cry before.

" Someone! help, my daughter is awake!"

I tried moving my head towards the door and with success I saw my mom sticking her head out of the small space between the door and the wall, screaming in panic. The sound of my dad's voice made me turn to him as he smiled to me.

"You're awake, I've been waiting for this moment for so long", a tear rolled down his cheek.

I once again tried to talk to him but I couldn't, I was too weak. It felt like I hadn't talked for so long.

"Wha..wh", was the only thing that came out.

He looked at me with a concerned look waiting for me to continue my sentence. Then he nodded and answered the question that I wanted to ask. It was like he was reading my mind.

"It's ok, just calm down. We will tell you everything later" he said trying to calm me down.

My mind was fylled with questions, why am I having trouble moving? Why am I lying on a hospital bed? I could hear my blood floating in my ears and my vision disfigured, almost like I was looking through a fish-eye lens. I could feel my heart pounding faster and faster and how I suddenly felt warm.

Suddenly everything went black.


I groand as i felt the bright sunlight hitting my face. I can't move my body, everything feels sore.

" She's up" I hear a familiar voice. The sound of the chairs being gently pushed could be heard. Once again I heard my mom's heels hitting the floor, as she approached me.

" Darling, how are you feeling?" She asked with her worried voice as her hand reached my chin.

" Mom, what's going on? How did i end up here?" i asked with an effort.

" Darling, you fell from the stairs and hit your head hard. Thank god Veronica heard your otherwise you would still be laying on the floor" she said as she looked away with a worried expression on her face.

But something felt odd. Why does it feel like she's lying. How can i possibly just hurt my head when every inch of my body hurts. My mom didn't look me in the eyes, and i know when she's lying.

" Mom tell me what happened! why does everything hurts so bad? I asked as i felt a tear rolling down my cheek.

" Everything is going to be ok, you have to rest" she ignored my question

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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