Our Family

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When Annabeth was five years old, she knew she was different. Her father married a woman that wasn't her mother and had twin sons, and they never treated her the same. All her life, she felt that there was something wrong with her, and weird things kept happening that she couldn't explain, and her father and step-mother never cared for her the way they did her half-brothers.

When the neglect finally becomes too much, seven-year-old Annabeth runs away and discovers a whole new world that she never knew existed, along with a spunky daughter of Zeus and heroic son of Hermes who become her new family.

A/N: Short story prequel to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, starting when Annabeth runs away and ending when she meets Percy. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer - I do not own the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series no matter how much I wish I did, that honor goes to Rick Riordan.


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