Deldork X Animated (Vore Warning!)

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Deldork's POV:

I woke up and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I grabbed my boyfreind and shuffled to the closet, but Animated couldn't fit. I sighed. I didn't want to do this, but we had to hide. I shoved his head in my mouth, and he flinched. I sighed and continued to go, he eventually reached my stomach and I closed the closet door and called the cops. Animated struggled in my stomach, making me blush, but I told 911 that something was in my house, and I was hiding with my boyfreind. I sighed as I heard the sirens. I hung up on 911.

"Babe, let me out!" Animated said, but I ignored him. The cops came and arrested a murderer that escaped from prison. They took him away without looking for me. I spat Animated up. He was covered in gross looking stuff, but still was cute to me. I smiled. We went back to bed.

Requested by Animated.

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