5 - Fallen Grace

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As I stepped out of the car, the fading sunlight painted the porch in a golden hue, and there stood my father, waiting patiently for my return. It wasn't until then that I realized just how much time had slipped away during my three-hour escapade. The approaching evening had cast a shadow of worry on my father's face as he saw me stepping out of the car, clad in an unfamiliar jacket. His expression transformed from delight to confusion, trying to decipher the events that had unfolded.

Guiding me to the porch, Alex walked beside me while my father approached us with a complex mix of emotions in his eyes. A part of me dreaded the judgment I might receive, but I understood why people couldn't help but feel concerned for me. Today had been a day of recklessness, aided and abetted by Nathaniel, leading to unforeseen troubles in the office. The memories of the unfolding drama kept replaying, causing my body to react with a strange blend of tension and unease.

"Beta," my father greeted Alex, acknowledging his presence with a hint of warmth. However, I couldn't ignore Alex's sympathetic look at me. The last thing I wanted was pity from others, but I knew I couldn't escape it this time. The consequences of my actions were apparent, and I had no one to blame but myself.

My father's curious gaze lingered on us, and he spoke, his voice tinged with concern.

"Was everything alright, Alex? You both seem tense." He looked at me, then back at Alex, who appeared visibly uneasy. Before Alex could respond, our eyes met, and he took a deep breath, gathering the courage to speak up.

"It went pretty well," Beta managed to spill the words, attempting to smooth things over and avoid any confrontation. Dealing with my father's anger was something no one wanted, especially given his formidable presence, resembling that of a male wolf.

Despite Beta's attempt to appease the situation, my father was no fool; he could sense when something wasn't quite right. I knew deep down that he would eventually extract the truth from me, one way or another. Keeping secrets from him wasn't in my nature, and I couldn't bear the thought of doing so.

As we stood there, the tension thick in the air, I thanked Beta swiftly before quickly passing by my father and heading straight into the house. I didn't want my father to follow me, to talk about what had transpired, but instead, he engaged in a conversation with Beta. I could see Beta trying to explain, but eventually, he gestured toward me, indicating that I held the answers he sought.

My father's skeptical gaze pierced through me as he listened to Beta, and though he refrained from asking more questions, I could sense that he wasn't entirely convinced. As Alex walked back to the car, my father acknowledged him with a nod and a comforting pat on the shoulder, signalling his support despite the uncertainty of the situation.

Feeling ashamed and confused about everything that had unfolded, I avoided my father's eyes when they met mine again. I turned away, attempting to make my way to my room, trying to hide from the truth I knew I needed to share. The look he gave me was a clear indication that he wanted me to come clean, to open up about what had happened. Yet, I was overwhelmed, unsure of how to explain it all.

Just as I reached the stairs, my father's voice broke the silence, calling out to me. His words hung in the air, urging me to face the truth and share my side of the story. As much as I dreaded the inevitable conversation, I knew that honesty was the only way forward, and I needed to find the courage to reveal the events of the day, no matter how difficult it might be.

"You better tell me what happened right now 'cause I can fuckin' smell him all over you," - As my father's disappointed tone filled the air, laced with the weight of his curse, my heart sank, and fear gripped me. I knew him well enough to understand that he could sense the truth, even without words. My mind raced, trying to come up with the best way to explain the situation, but I couldn't expect anything less than raw honesty from him.

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