Familiar: Part one

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You'll want to see her, Lord Madara... Zetsu's words stuck in Madara's head as time ticked ever closer to his reanimation finally taking place. When he was finally back though, it completely slipped his mind. Too obsessed with power and his plan finally coming to fruition, he had no time to recollect the minuscule ramblings of his counterpart. After all, white Zetsu had a tendency to allow things to fog his mind, and occasionally told Madara some of the most unimportant facts he would ever hear. Why would anything he said that didn't have to do with Tsuki No Me matter to him now? ... At least that's what he believed until he did see her.

It was entirely by chance. While slaughtering thousands of unimportant ninja and watching the light fade from the sea of faces, Madara happened upon one girl in the crowd, holding a wound on her shoulder. He studied her face carefully, suddenly engulfed in only one thought. She looks just like... He shook his head, snarling a little at his past, and turned to Obito. "Boy," Obito turned to him, ignoring his offensive nickname, "That girl... to the left... Do you see her down there?"

Obito flashed his sharingan in order to scan the crowd of soon to be corpses more effectively and landed on the only female among them. "The one with the shoulder wound?"

"Yes... I'd like you to go get her and bring her to me..."

"Sir?" Obito looked to him and raised an eyebrow, unsure why his master had picked this girl out of the thousands of people they had fought against. They had no need for hostages. Furthermore, she wouldn't matter once their plan was in full effect.

"Do not ask questions," Madara warned, "Bring her to me. Alive."

Obito nodded reluctantly and disappeared into the battlefield. Madara, still standing over the sea of ninja below, watched as a large portion of them swarmed toward Obito like ants to a crumb of bread. Several of them were immediately eliminated and soon after, Obito knocked the girl of interest unconscious and disappeared in thin air. Madara listened as one of her comrades screamed for her, unable to save her from the disappearing act. He then smirked and turned to the rest of the crowd. "I must admit, you've all been rather entertaining. Even still, I grow tired of watching you all swarm about. I'll return. But, here. I'll be kind and leave something for you to keep busy with while I'm away." With that, he slammed his palm to the ground and summoned a swarm of large hornet like beasts which appeared and immediately attacked, carrying off a few of his contenders. Amidst the screams in horror, Madara laughed, "A swarm for a swarm. How do you like that?" Amused with his own wit, he calmly formed a hand sign and disappeared.

Though they were miles away from the battlefield, the fighting and commotion could still be heard in the distance like the gentle roar of a thunderstorm that had not yet reached their location. Madara, upon arrival, walked passed Obito without so much as a thank you for retrieving what he had asked for. He looked down, towering over her sleeping body as he took in her small frame, his eyes scanning every inch of her. Without turning, he spoke to Obito simply. "Go back. No doubt those ninja will be done with my little task soon." Obito, still confused, decided not to question Madara, but simply disappeared once again using his Kamui. Once he was gone, the large, God-like Uchiha, stooped down over the girl and scooped her into his arms like a sleeping child, brushing her hair from her peaceful face. Taking in her features, he noted her long eyelashes and small, upturned nose. Her skin was pale and unblemished. As he dragged his gloved thumb over her cheekbone, he thought that she looked much like a porcelain doll; quiet and fragile. This, of course, was a direct contrast to her fierce nature in battle not long before this moment.

Suddenly noticing small differences, he reached into his back pocket and pulled a handkerchief from it. He brought it to his mouth and wet it with his saliva before bringing the cloth down to wipe away the dark makeup around her eyes. After seeing her without it, he couldn't understand why someone with a natural beauty such as hers would take the time to apply it each day. Then, displeased with the girl's hair being tied back so tightly, Madara pulled out a kunai and cut through the elastic in her hair, freeing the ebony locks and allowing them to flow down to the ground below her. The Uchiha couldn't help but note how long and silky it was and how good it would feel in between his fingers. "Your resemblance to her... is truly uncanny. Though you are slightly younger than she was." He spoke to her though she was still not awake. His gruff voice caused her to stir slightly, and Madara petted the back of her neck with the hand he was using to stabilize her head in order to soothe her. "I can only hope you won't be as timid." At this, the girl's eyes shot open and she gasped, immediately attempting to pull out of Madara's grasp.

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