The Purple-Haired Demon and The Blonde Arsehole

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So maybe she over-reacted, maybe she crossed the line but he was the chrerry on top of her horrible morning - and she was the farthest thing  from a morning person. 

Though in highsight maybe the ice-cold coffe was a perfect way to greet the blonde arsehole.

- - x - - 

He knew that the morning was too good to be true, seeing as it was the first day of school and something terrible was bound to happen.

He just didn't know that the terrible thing would reincarnate itself as a purple-haired demon.

- - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - 

Welcome young padawans to your training. I shall be your sensei .

Just kidding.

So first off hi, yo, wazzaaaaaap? This is the first book I have ever written so I really don't know how to act and what my intro should be like, but I do know that I don't want to be one of those authors that are way too serious and act like they have a whole tree in their ass and not just a stick. So I know that this book won't ever become popular because it's not a fanfic about a boy band and there are a lot of writers out there that have more talent in one of their eyelashes than I do in my whole body, but I'm going to post the story anyway.

Hope you guys like it 

- - Miss X

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