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THE DEATH OF THE UNKNOWN WITCH HAD SHAKEN JAMES TO HIS CORE. Though she had passed on her magic and would live in the other witches, the pain of her death kept James up all night. He stared out the window of their castle, closely examining the grounds below. Behind him, Leon clanked his spoon loudly on his bowl. The constant tinging ached James' head, though he said nothing.

"Good morning, fellow soldiers," Caron said, bright smile on her face as she entered the dining room. The place was very different to Abaddon's similar quarters. It lacked the walls of blue curtains but made up for it in shimmering gold table legs topped with marble. When they had first arrived, Caron explained how the magic retained all sacred belongings. This table had belonged to a High Priestess who was the last known to have been living in the castle. When she passed, her magic kept the place alive.

"We're not soldiers," James' muttered bitterly, not even glancing in Caron's direction.

Frowning, Caron placed her hands on James' shoulders. "What's wrong?"


"It's not nothing, tell me."

"I don't enjoy watching people die." Caron flinched away from him, hands falling by her side.

"You think I do?" she asked, a hint of ice cold in her tone. It was the kind of voice that killed – the kind that could turn men into stone and conjure gunpower from thin air. It was a thousand dead witches buried in the Earth and a heart of fire hidden in a girl once so full of love. It was destructive and would tear someone apart if they weren't careful. "I did what I had to. And if it meant taking people down with me, then so be it."

"Even if they're just as innocent as us?"

"No one is innocent," she barked, taking a step towards James, her breath on his face as he stood defiantly. "If they are a part of Abaddon's army, they are not innocent."

"You may want to rethink that," James snarled. "Leon was in that army, too. He could be a spy for all we know – and we really do know nothing."

"He has helped us-"

"And what if that's for his own gain and not ours."

Caron took a step back. Fresh tears lay hidden within her eyes, her throat aching as she tried so hard not to cry. "We all have something to lose," she whispered. "And if you can't kill – if you won't kill – then I have nothing more to say to you."

"And when you realise the monster you are becoming," James hissed, "don't come crawling back into my arms. I'll help you fight this war but I can't be a part of your destruction any longer."

Pushing past Caron, James stormed out of the room, not bothering to prevent himself from crashing into Leon's shoulder or slamming the door shut behind him. The hallowed halls had never felt so empty, the castle so dead yet so alive at the same time. Much of the grime had been cleared out, the previous signs of inhabitants gone in a flash.

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