Love at First Sight?

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It was kind of funny how we met. He was best friends with my cousin for years, but somehow I always seemed to miss meeting him. Then luck finally stepped in.

I moved 659 miles away to the small town of Morrisville, Ohio. I was going to start my senior year and I was dreading not being able to experience it with the people I knew my whole life. I wanted to move back more than I ever wanted anything before, but I had to tough it out.

On my first day of school I walked down the crowded halls but all I felt was emptiness inside. Lots of people talked to me, many of them were nice, but none of them seemed to genuinely want to get to know me. Weeks past and I started accept the fact that I was going to spend my senior year, my last year, of high school as a loner. Until the day I met him.

We both were sitting in the office waiting for a tardy passes when he said "I haven't seen you around here before." I rolled my eyes, "That's such a cliché way to hit on a girl." He laughed, "Just wait until I use all my cheesy pick up lines on you, you'll really think I'm cliché then." Air couldn't help but grin. It was the first time I've smiled in a while, and I really liked the feeling. It reminded me of being happy. As I started to walk away he yelled, "By the way, my name is Hunter."

I was mesmerised by him, and from that day forward I couldn't stop thinking about him, Hunter. Everything about him was so beautiful, from the way his eyes glistened to how he spoke with such confidence. It wasn't a cocky confidence either, it was just enough to be attractive. The next day I hoped I would see him again, but somehow I never did. Days passed and I finally gave up, Hunter seemed to have vanished.

The weekend came and the only plans I had was going to my cousins stupid party, lame right? How was I supposed to enjoy myself when I didn't know anyone? My mom was forcing me to go though, she said "it's a good chance for you to make a friend." She was right though, I was in desperate need for a friend.

When I arrived at the party I was completely shocked, it wasn't your typical childish birthday party, it was a full out alcoholic party. I never knew my cousin was like that, then again I hadn't seen him since we were children. I walked through the house until I found the vodka and decided to drink my sorrows away. After a few shots I was feeling a little tipsy and that was when I saw him. "Hunter?" He turned around suddenly, "I never imagined to see you here." I smirked, "Yeah it's not really my style, just the host is my cousin." "Ah, Dawson. He's a great friend of mine. But I never caught your name before." "it's Ha...." Suddenly we were interrupted by people running. "What's going on?" I said. "I think the cops are here; we should get out of here." We started running but I was so drunk I kept stumbling. Apparently he noticed and grabbed my hand. My heart started pounding. Was my hand sweaty? I didn't have time to think about it when Hunter motioned for me to climb up the stairs to the treehouse. When we both got situated he said "I think we'll be fine up here."

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