Chapter 5

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Matt’s POV 

I the next day I walked outside, before the ground was just skimmed with a thin line of snow, now there was almost a foot I drove with mild struggle to the tire place and got them swapped out for winter tires when I got back I sat down with Ellie on my mind her pretty ginger hair blowing a trail of flames in the wind. Everything about that kiss yesterday just felt right everything from the sparks running down my spine to the fact she kissed back. I was thinking about her looking down at the snow when suddenly some red sticks with boots attached slid down the road those skis belonged to Ellie who had gathered in her hand, a snowball that was now hurtling towards me hitting me causing snow to drip down from my dark brown hair onto my nose “I’d get here one way or another” she called “Why, your not tutoring me today, are you?” I said to her as she got out of the skis in my driveway “no but we are so taking advantage of the fact this is packing snow!” she said bunching up more snow into a snowball “no wait your not, you wouldn’t" I said backing up but it was too late, she had deadly accurate aim, she had been making snowballs for 17 years now so I wouldn't have been surprised “so what’s the big idea” I asked picking up some snow “we are going to the park and building snow forts” she said putting her skis back on and tossing me a pair of snowshoes I put them on and treaded after her as quickly as a penguin could waddling. 

We arrived at the rink where a man started to make a skating rink I took off the snowshoes and lifted Ellie out of her skis “snow forts you say?” I said running to a patch of snow and heaping up snow across from me she took out a container and packed snow into it creating bricks she stacked 3 of them across and many up making a thick snow stronghold then she ran over to the man making the rink and asked if he could fill her bucket with water, he kindly did so. She carefully poured the water on the bricks and they started to harden so I had a feeling that she was making snowballs,but I was wrong she was both making snowballs and scooping out the bottom of her fort, creating a deep trench I went to peak at it then got pelted with many snowballs, not a single one missed so I ran back and made some again attempting to invade tossing them as I ran, until I ran out of ammo and had to walk back, covered in snow. I looked across again attempting another raid on her fort she was calmly forming more snowballs so I snuck behind the fort when suddenly some snow came falling from the tree behind her fort, landing on top of me… then she noticed and you guessed it I got pelted with many more snowballs finally I called out that I surrendered, very cold so she walked up to my fort, my pathetic fort and gave me a cup of hot chocolate in a thermos mug “enjoy” she said sitting down in my attempt of a fort “so what now” I asked “We build a snowman” she said happily “or a snowman contest” she laughed bunching up snow I watched her as she started to roll it until she couldn't move it another inch, then she stacked another ball on top of it and another sticking twigs in it’s sides to make arms rocks on it’s face to create a mouth and eyes then shoved a carrot in it’s face for a nose I made mine a lot like hers just with only 2 snowballs then suddenly some snow fell off the tree above her landing on her head knocking off her glasses, she dropped to the ground feeling around in the snow for them I bent down picked them out of the snow and placed them over her eyes once her eyes adjusted she blinked up at me she smiled then pulled me towards her kissing me on the cheek “thanks” she said standing up I suddenly looked across to see that the rink was finished “you brought skates right? its can’t be that hard” I said looking at it. She tossed me a pair of black hockey skates and walked over to a bench. She strapped on her white skates with the picks on the ends and skated out onto the ice warming up with a few laps of the rink, I didn't walk out with anything similar of a result, more like an instant face plant she skated over and helped me up “bend your knees” she instructed, I followed “now move them” she said I did and wobbled a bit but was balanced by Ellie still holding onto my shoulders “ready” she said when I started to skate smoothly “yep” I said and she released me to wobble, fall, and glide into the snowbank, head first. “Come on lets go home” she said grinning at me and guiding me off the ice. I got the head start with the snowshoes but soon I was beaten by the nerd on the skis.


Hello again (I am back!) Its Halloween on friday (yay) I have found a hazmat suit as the ideal costume (mwahaha) I am going out with my boyfriend and I cant wait so yeah there is also snow in the forcast for halloween, yes snow in October :p its funny because every time I have gone on a date with my boyfriend we have gotten the first snow of the year and we usually have a snowball fight so yeah I will be back with a new chapter um soon I almost feel as if I am writing chapters with now views for the good of my healt but I dont care lol hope I get some views soon have a happy halloween everyone <3      :) 

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