Chapter 4

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Yibo P.O.V

"Lan Zhan promise me don't come and find me, let's see if we are fate to be together, on the next meeting we have, I will marry you." A bunny tooth male smiles brightly at me.

*Ring!* The phone rang.

I snap back to reality, groaning as I sit up. "That was such a nice dream!" I shouted before turning to my phone grabbing it hardly, the phone almost slipped out of my hands.

"Eh? Mr Lan? Ah right the audition..." I turn to my laptop, checking if it's today before pressing the green button on my phone.

"Good morning Mr Lan...GOOD MORNING! How have you been?!" And again, Mr Lan still hasn't learn to speak properly...


"There is audition today! Remember that! Meet me in the main 1 meeting room! Be there by 3! Okay I have to go now! Bye!" Mr Lan quick rushes through what every he has to say and ended the call.


I lay back down. The dream, why do I always dream about that guy??I thought. Let me Google it.

I pick up my phone again, search about what if a person keeps on dreaming about a person?

It shows that the person my be related to your pass life?

"Related to my pass life?" I said reading it.



The meeting room

"Mr Lan." I knocked on the door.

"Ah, Yibo come in." Mr Lan answered.

"This is Yibo and Yibo this is Mo Lao Shi." Mr Lan introduces Mo Lao Shi to me.

She smiles brightly at me, grabbing a stack of notes infront of her, placing at the side.

I smile back at her a bit.

"Alright I will leave it to you guys to talk, I will take my leave first." Mr Lan said, patting my back before he stands up and leave.

"Alright! Thank you for accepting the audition." Mo Lao shi smiles brightly at me.

I nodded.

"Alright looks at this." Mo Lao Shi puts the information of every actor she choose.

"W-why are you showing me this? Isn't this a bit inappropriate?" I immediately asked pushing the paper away.

Mo Lao Shi shakes her head, " just look." She pushes the paper back infront of me.

I took the paper and look through till I saw a familiar face. "Wei Ying?" I mumble to myself but when I look at the name, Xiao Zhan.

End of chapter

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