sweet, sweet girl

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"how long have I been here again" (f/n) asked yourself.Maybe like a month,year she didn't know.But she did know one thing,this place is hell on earth.To be honest she was afraid,for her parents,her home.The only thing keeping her company was the darkness.Her (h/c) locks her messy and filthy,her once beautiful (e/c) eyes her dull and dreary, lacking life.Life that made that psycho 'fall in love' with her.

This was not love,this was obsession.Pure and utter obsession from the very start.Each and every day he would say things like 'i love you' and 'you're mine' she hated it.And the worst part about it was every time she tried fighting back he would easily overpower her.While (f/n) was lost in her little thoughts a door creaked open (rather loudly).

Her head turned towards the noise.To find...............

 Him...that stupid man with, his usual smirk on his face.The smirk in which was the last you saw before he drugged you and took you away. If you remember correctly hise name was Ciel Phantomhive(sp?) the queen's guard dog as some people called him. With his handsome butler Sebastian Michaelis who had a unemotional expression, but you could see the sympathy in his eyes. "well hello there my lovely little black rose." cooed Ciel, you did not look up what-so-ever. "Please talk to me i miss your beautiful face, your amazing voice, i miss you and me talking like old times." pleaded Ciel. "Leave me alone first, you call me beautiful,then you kidnapped me and kept here for like forever! Then you want things to be like they were when we were friends!" (f/n) shouted at him Ciel look chenged from happy to angered. "Sebastian go fetch my cane!" Ciel ordered him "But my lord-" Sebastian tried reasoning with him but was interrupted by Ciel "NOW SEBASTIAN!" shouted Ciel. Sebastian quickly left with a sympathic look in his eyes.what ever was going to happen was not going to be pretty or comfortable. "This is going to be incredibly painful." Ciel said before exiting the dark, cold room that you were kept in.

                          - - - - - - -TIME SKIP- - - - -

 (f/n) was having a peacful slumper until someone open the door to her room. "Lady (f/n)?" sebastian questioned, keeping a blank face but with concern in his eyes. You mumbled in your sleep before waking up "Yeah sebastian?" (f/n) answered. "I was just...concerned" Sebastian said. "Oh, it's okay sebastian" (f/n) said "Are you sure m'lady?" sebastian said, sitting on the bed with you. "Yeah I promise." (f/n) reasured(sp?) him. Sebastian began rubbing her back in a comforting way. 'I missed this kind of touch soft, and gentle' (f/n) thought to herself "You do know you can speak to me about anything right m'lady." sebastian said with a slight smirk. "N-No I never thought about that way." (f/n) said with a dumbfouned face on. Meanwhile around the corner was ciel, who heard and saw everything "That stupid, distusting scence!" ciel said to himself.

"I'll make sure sebastian pays for messing with MY GIRL!!" ciel said to thin air. "I am his master after all he has no choice but to listen to me!" ciel said to himself. "SHE IS MINE!" ciel shouted at sebastian and (f/n) stomping into the room. (f/n) had a confused face much like sebastian's "Leave her alone and stop feeding her dirty lies you, DOG!" shouted ciel with rage laced in his voice.

"My lord i was just-" sebastian tried explaining to ciel, but was interruped "NO, SHE IS MINE AND ONLY MINE!!" ciel screamed with rage. "Ciel please calm down" (f/n) tried calming him down, but it didn't work. Ciel ripped of his eyes patch on his left eye, reaviling a lite purple eye with marks on them.

"I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE HER ALONE SEBASTIAN!" ciel contined screaming. Sebastian had no choice ciel was his master after all, sebastian bowed saying "Yes my, lord." while walking away. Meanwhile (f/n) had her hands covering her face, gasping at the scence that just played through. Oh, and one more thing sebastian, your punishemt will be painfull." ciel shouted towards sebastian down the hall.

"As for you my sweet, sweet girl" ciel cooed towards you. "Please no, ciel I-I-I didn't m-mean it." (f/n) stuttered "It's alright, darling." ciel said with a creepy smile before he pinned you down on the bed. He flipped you over and  pulled up your shirt. You gasped "Please don't ciel" you pleaded ciel grabbed  a knife and began carving into your back.

                 - - - - - TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY PIZZA!- - - - - -

 After many painful hours full of screaming,blood,and tears ciel finally stopped. He admirred his work greatly "There we go my sweet, sweet girl I hope you like it." ciel cooed in (f/n)'s ear. he got up from her back and brought her to a mirror and turned her around. (f/n) gasped at ciel's 'work' on  her back it read 'MASTER CIEL'S' (f/n) fell to her knees and cried. Ciel hugged her with a smirk "it's okay my sweet, sweet girl i was just showing sebastian and everyone else your mine." ciel said with a cold tone laced in his.

- - - - - - - - - - - - (AUOTHER'S NOTES)- - - - - - - - - - - -

okay, well i tried, and this is my first time being on this website and writing something like this. Please go easy on me like i said i tried. I hope to (anyone reading this) that you enjoyed it SORRY it's short but-hey stuff happends. SO BIEEEE!!   

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