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Your in WCKED with Newt,Thomas and Frypan a guard comes and grabs your arm.
Frypan "where you taking her" with a confused look on his face. The guard frowns "SIT DOWN" he yells so Frypan did.
They've been waiting for hours and they see Gally and walk over to him " hey Gally where's y/n ?" The Gally gets cut off by yelling and screaming before seeing a guard be thrown through the glass.
They all stand there surprised then you jump on top of the guard eating flesh from he's neck, you slowly look up. Frypan ,Newt ,Thomas and Gally look scared.
You walk towards them slowly blood dipping down.Gally points a gun at your head , you stop and frowned "you shouldn't have the gun so close"you smirked then hit it out of his bed and point it at him.
Gally look confused and scared look on his face which makes you laugh "I won't kill you guys" you gave it back then walked away.
Later that night Thomas comes to see you and we're tied up like an animal, you started crying "untie me pls Tommy" he felt bad so he did.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING"yells a guard bursting through the door. The guard teased you " STOP !" Yelled Thomas.
You were on the ground twitching, Thomas kneeled beside you "Go away Thomas you whispered. " I'm not leaving you he said back. "GO NOW !" You screamed looking at him you were reacting from the teaser, the came closer and you attack the guard before looking at Thomas with tears in your eyes. "What have they done to you?"

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