[02] Dos.

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Life takes funny turns sometimes.

One second you're being chased by two dudes, and the other one a beautiful girl is pointing a gun to your head, asking for explanations.

"Who the fuck are you?"

I felt like a little kid under those deep blue eyes.

Damn, this girl was a masterpiece

I had to stop gay panicking unless I wanted to get shot on the head.

Even though my heart had been shot already.

Too much? Too much, sorry.

"I'm [Y/N]," I said, scratching my head. "I didn't mean to scare you, I was just looking for a place to spend the night."

She didn't seem to believe any of the words I said.

"You're one of them, aren't you?" Now she was holding the guns to both hands, and I couldn't help but think it was serious now, my life was in danger.

"One of who?"

"The clan that's chasing me," she explained. "They want me as entertainment."

"With that voice, I wouldn't doubt it," I joked.

The girl didn't seem to enjoy it. "Not that type of entertainment."


I should've learnt when to keep my mouth shut.

"You're not with them," she put her gun into the waistband of her pants. "They wouldn't send someone this stupid."

"Dude, that's rude. You hurt me," I put a hand on my chest, and pretended to cry.

"Spying and interrupting someone while they're singing is rude."

She got me there.

Bitch can bite back.

"But, I might have saved your life! Zombies are all around here, you can't go around singing or playing a guitar; it doesn't matter if your voice is this angelic thing or that you look like an angel, it's still dangerous, my dude."

"Bro, That's gay."

"Takes one to know one."

I was joking, of course. Though I did kinda wish she were gay.


The girl got closer, laughing, and extended her hand for me to take, "I'm Billie."

"That's a dude's name," I said as I shook her hand, smirking.

"Man, you do know I still have a gun and I can shoot you whenever I want, right?" She squeezed my hand a little too hard.

"If you had wanted to shoot me, you already would have."

A spark seemed to come alive in her eyes as her eyebrows went up, "I like you, mamas."

She called me mamas.

Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic.

It's cool.

You're cool.

Keep your gay inside.

Don't let them in, don't let them know.

"I like myself too," I said, making her laugh.


"Okay, we're good. You can spend the night."

"Thanks, dude, I'll be out of your hair tomorrow morning."

"Don't worry, I was planning on leaving too. The store's running out of food."

Ah, destiny wanted me and the pretty girl traveling together.

If God hated gays, why did I keep winning?

Maybe I'd suggest it the next day.

She showed me the room and I found some sheets in the other part of the store to make a bed for myself, as she already had one.

Meanwhile, Billie kept playing the guitar and softly singing, sitting on her bed.

It was a dream. I hadn't listened to music for months, I was living for it.

Light slowly started fading until everything was darker than how it was.

We got food from the store and ate in silence.

After locking the doors, and making sure the store was safe, I went to the bed I had made.

Basically, it was just sheets on top of more sheets, and those were on top of even more sheets.

But hey, this is heaven when you've had to sleep on hard ass floors.

As I sat on it and finally took a moment to breathe and relax, something came to my mind.

"You know, for someone that's being chased, you for sure don't care about your safety." The girl turned to see me, confused. "The door to the store wasn't closed, and neither was the door to this room."

Her cheeks turned red. "I was about to make sure everything was safe before you arrived." She tried defending herself.

"Sure, Jan."

Her face was hidden between her hands now. "Shut the fuck up, bro."

"No, but really, you should be more careful, dude. They could find you whenever, you have to be alert and careful."

We had just met, but I wouldn't want anyone to find her.

Pretty girls are my weakness, don't judge me.

"I know," she sighed. "That used to be my brother's job, so I always forget. I'll try to be more careful now."

"May I ask what happened to him?"

"Honestly, I don't know," Billie's eyes started to get wet. "We got separated days ago. I just hope he's okay."

"Oh, man, I'm sorry," I scratched the back of my neck. "If it helps, he was the one caring for your safety, for the both of you, so I'm pretty sure he's taking good care of himself."

"Thanks, mamas," she smiled, looking my way.

Ah, my little gay heart was dying.

"I'm gonna try and sleep now, please don't kill me while I sleep," I joked.

"No worries, dude, I won't." Billie smirked, "and if I do, you won't realize I did anyway."

I couldn't help but laugh. "True."

"Good night, [Y/N]," she said, laying down on her bed.

"Good night, Billie."

Honestly, I really liked this girl. Not like like, of course, but she was pretty amazing; and beautiful too.

I'm a lesbian, I can appreciate visually attractive women when I see one.

I just hoped she would be able to find her brother, and be safe.

Just like I hoped I would be able to find my friends.

Oh, shit.


"Yeah, bro?"

"Do you by any chance know which way is East?"


So, yeah, I did a thing.

The End Of The World [Billie Eilish]Where stories live. Discover now