The games of poker last night ended with me getting time with Carrie. Being promiscuous, however, is not in my blood. The time I spent with her was two minutes, much to everyone's chagrin. The only lascivious thing I did was talk about my TQC fetish while she massaged her prolapse in front of me. Her pink organ was pushing out eggs covered in her discharge. With a wet splat, they fell onto the mahogany floor as I spoke.
I also gave her the gray dildo USB which I got from Ashley's room. The USB that contains all my porn inside easily slipped inside Carrie's cervix, then up the uterine complex before finally resting within her termite queen rear. Yeah, she uses every orifice as a storage container. She's currently being sent to her dad's office while all six of us attended school.
There's a student of Mayeden whom everyone finds adorable. She's a chameleon centauride with short purple hair, yellow eyes, a cute face, and slender body. Aside from those, she has a habit of perching on centaur's butts or flanks or tails and sleeping on them. How? She just curls her lower body, and lets her upper body rest on it. Termite queen centaurides find this adorable. Their rears are her favorite places to sleep on, and any TQC who got 'slept on' had the day or week of her life. It's a rare sight for her to appear without camouflage, but here she was today, sleeping on the rear end of Leigh inside the classroom. Every TQC, including the exchange students, crowded round just to see her sleep. They all murmured to each other, causing a small commotion.
"I don't get it," Ashley remarked as she looked at the two of them, "What am I looking at here?"
"Only a rare occurrence of Flora sleeping on a TQC exchange student's rear," I replied, "What's up?"
"It's kinda weird," she replied, "and disgusting, if you ask me."
"That's just you," Liam replied, "Last week, she slept on the rear abdomen of a Mondrajian. The latter gently rocked herself while sitting by the cafeteria table, humming a lullaby while paying attention to her. And here I am, thinking that Mondrajians are so high and mighty they think highly of themselves over others. That TQC finally changed my outlook."
"How about me?" Ashley asked.
"Not so much," Liam replied.
"Ooh, burn!" Laura and Mikey exclaimed.
Ashley looked a bit irritated.
"It's alright, Ash," Mikey added, "There are others who are much, much worse than you. But we digress."
"Aaaaaand Flora's gone," Karen said, "So is the crowd."
"That was quite fun," Leigh called out, "Whoever Flora sleeps on next is gonna be lucky."
"Looks like she's already chosen her next bed," I replied, chuckling a bit.
The chameleon herself climbed onto Ashley's rear end, yawned, spoke "Good night" in Portuguese, and finally slept. I can tell by the deranged look on Ashley's face that she isn't having it.
"Calm down Ash," Mikey exclaimed.
"It's just a chameleon centauride," Liam added.
Despite the words, she lost it. Ashley tilted to the left so hard, Flora woke up and fell to the floor.
"Serves you right, chameleon, " Ashley snickered, and then strutted away.
"Oh shit," I exclaimed. Meanwhile, Liam, Leigh, and Laura helped the chameleon up.
"We're so sorry, Flora," Mikey and I pleaded. The chameleon centauride just looked at us with a smile and replied, "Not worry, friend. She Mon-dra-ji-an?"
"Yes," Mikey replied, "More Mondrajian than Mondrajia itself."
"I HEARD THAT, MIKEY!" Ashley screamed from a few feet away.
"Has squishy butt!" Flora exclaimed, "Perfect for bed!"
"Hey, how about me?!" Laura exclaimed, pouting.
"To me, girl, you're perfect in my eyes," Liam wooed, until he saw Flora stand atop Laura's behind.
"FUCK!" he screamed.
"Will do now," Flora spoke, tapping the surface with her feet. She then curled her lower body on the TQC and added, "Don't worry, Flora will get her soon. I hope school okay. Good night."
"It will be," Karen replied, "once Anthony answers to whatever the principal will ask, if the school knew about it."
"Not now, Karen," I exclaimed.
The principal gave me a first strike after meeting him in the office with all of my exchange students. Ashley shot me a stern look as I read the pink slip of paper top to bottom.
"Pfft, shrug it off, Anthony," Ashley remarked.
"Shrug it off?! You want Anthony Pines to shrug it off?!" Karen exclaimed, "Your Mondrajian ass just gave him one of six strikes. If he gets six strikes, he'll be out of the program and blacklisted for next year's program!"
"Harsh!" Liam exclaimed.
"So what?!" Ashley replied, "It's only one strike."
"Out. Of. Six, mind you, Ashley Litchfork Spruce!" Karen exclaimed, "I've had experience being a host to exchange students older than I am. I've seen fellow classmates off the program after the first month because the exchange students made huge rackets that cost them all six strikes!"
"I don't particularly mind the strikes that much," I replied, "At least I have you guys."
"That's sweet, boo!" Laura exclaimed.
"Whatever happens, we stay connected," I added, "Now brush that off. We just have to be more responsible next time."
With hearty laughs, the five of us headed off, catching up with Ashley as we headed to class.