Chapter 1

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 There was a small, homey wooden shack placed in a serene forest, teeming with trees whose leaves swayed in the soft breezes and birds who made their nests between their branches. The only noise in the location was quiet and cheerful bird songs that intricately wove their way together into a delicate silk harmony and seemed to descend from the high Heaven itself. Squirrels scurried across the forest floor, kicking up a few fragile brown, dried leaves in their wake. Hares sat comfortably in their burrows, nothing but the twitches of their small black and brown noses acknowledging their wakefulness. Sitting cross-legged in the midst of all the peaceful wildlife was a young, powerful, almond-skinned girl with long, straight black hair and intense forest green eyes. She melted into the beautiful brown, black, and green tints and shades of the forest so perfectly that any average human person would have no idea that she was present...

...If it weren't for her dark gray ears twitching with the sounds of the environment, and the long, fluffy gray tail that protruded from her backside.

Suddenly, her body stood rigid and alert. Her ears pricked forward and her slowly swishing tail ceased all movement. There was a slight rustling at the far edge of the blossoming underbrush, catching the young woman's attention. It was faint and distant, several yards away from her, but still, she sat and stared at the underbrush with a gaze so intense, it seemed as if the bush would catch flames. After a few long, frozen moments, the girl moved again, a subtle happy wag shaking the long fur on her tail, and she stood, jogging cheerfully towards the flower-covered bushes. Not a heartbeat later, a massive, strongly built gray wolf exited the undergrowth, trotting dutifully toward the woman. As the two reached each other, the girl dropped to one knee and wrapped her arms around the wolf's thick neck, bringing it into a warm, loving embrace. Their bodies mingled for a moment, identical long, shaggy, dark gray tails wagging in synchronization. When they pulled apart, the wolf looked intensely into the girl's eyes, infinite pools of twin, deep forest green. A low, masculine voice rang softly through the girl's head. His voice was smooth and captivating, almost honey-like, and intimidatingly so. It was the type of voice that could convince you to do anything it wanted with just a few charming words and soft caresses.


A smile spread across her face at the voice, the familiar silky sound comforting and warm. She brought her forehead to his, giving the wolf one last warm embrace before releasing him and pulling back. She responded similarly, but with tongue instead of mind. With a grin, she spoke with a very slight accent; not quite American, not quite British. It was the kind of thing you could only hear when she was angry, but it was there if you listened closely enough.


"So, what did you manage to find out today? Anything different?" Valkyrie continued, resuming her cross-legged position on the grassy earth. Fortune took his place beside her, sitting with back straight and his thick chest puffed out in an almost royal position.
"The gnome arrives at 9 a.m and leaves at 5 p.m. I couldn't see inside, but the dogs I could communicate with said that he doesn't let them out of their cages. He beats them, refuses to feed them if they "misbehave". They need help, Val." Valkyrie bit her lip in vexation, brow creasing the skin on her forehead in worry. Her tail curled around her, offering her a small sense of comfort. She was a half-lycanthrope--a mostly human werewolf, to put it in simple words. Because of her human ancestry, she lacked the ability to fully transform into a wolf, which came at a disadvantage--and disappointment--to the young woman at many points. There was nothing she wished to do more than become a wolf, run through the forest and feel the wind in her fur alongside Fortune. However, she always found confidence in her loyal wolf companion, who practically raised her ever since her mother died when Valkyrie was young. She could only understand him because of her heritage; if she had not been born a half-lycanthrope, she would not be able to communicate with her beloved companion.

"What do you suggest we do?" She inquired, placing a hand behind his skull and petting him to provide herself some consolation.

"I think we should rescue them." He said plainly, giving a half-hearted sniff to the air. Valkyrie huffed in exasperation, softly pushing Fortune's broad shoulders in mock annoyance.
"I'm aware we should rescue them, Fortch. I'm not stupid, or heartless for that matter. Of course we have to rescue them. I'm saying, how do you suggest we do so?"
"Maybe...Maybe I could draw the gnome out, provide some sort of distraction from the forest so he will leave that...that "pet sanctuary"." He growled the last words, venom apparent in his voice. He hated to even suggest that the wretched place would even be considered a sanctuary. "Then, once he leaves, you could possibly slip in and let them all out. Of course, it would have to be later rather than sooner, as much as I hate to admit it. The rainbow is coming up, and without good luck charms..." Fortune allowed his mental voice to trail off into silence as he looked down at the small golden leaf charm that hung from his neck, protecting him from the bad luck the rainbow was always sure to bring.

"All the animals would die as soon as they get out of the pet sanctuary..." Valkyrie finished softly, staring distantly into the wildlife in front of her. The two were silent for a moment, the darkened atmosphere muffling all other thoughts. The werewolf's hand continued to stroke her companion down his spine, the softness of his fur stabilizing her thoughts and the gentle caress offering consolation for the wolf sat beside her.

"You know..." Valkyrie broke the silence, turning to look at Fortune, "I dreamt of something last night. Something strange." He gazed at her intently, giving her his full attention.

When she held the silence, he tilted his head slightly forwards, giving her the signal to continue.
"I laid down and fell asleep, like usual, and all I saw was black. Everything was fine and normal for a moment, but then I felt like I was falling. Falling through the earth, falling out of my body. It was so strange; I knew I was sleeping but I felt so awake and alert...Then, all of a sudden, I was in front of this massive golden door. It was covered in these golden four-leaf clover markings, and there was something written on it. I can't seem to remember it...I hope that I'll have the dream again so I can read it. Something told me to go inside, but I wanted to make sure it was safe first, so of course I investigated around it a little. By the time I was ready to go in, seeing as I hadn't found any signs of danger, I felt like I was flying back up...and then I was awake and back in my bed. It was like my soul left my body for the time I was dreaming. At least, I hope that was all a dream..." Fortune listened silently as she finished her story; she seemed a little intrigued, but also a little shaken up. In an attempt to comfort her, he softly nuzzled her cheek with his nose. At moments like this, words would do nothing to calm the wild mind of Valkyrie. She smiled at his gesture, pulling him into yet another warm hug. The wolf always knew what to do to drive away the crazy thoughts and keep her grounded. She stroked the short, soft fur on his cheeks and gazed at him. Fortune was like a father and a best friend to her--the one she could always count on and confide in. He had appeared as a young puppy in front of her and her mother's shack one day, starving and on the brink of death. She cautiously approached him and offered him some of the meat she and her mother had caught the previous week, and every day he returned for more. Soon enough, he was back to health, and the bond between he and the generous young girl had already been formed. Ever since then, Fortune had stayed by Valkyrie's side and helped guide her along the path of life--because he could communicate with others miles away, the wolf had knowledge long beyond his years, and that fact had helped the pair get through many difficulties together. Valkyrie was already a woman who could very easily take care of herself--she was strong with nicely built up muscle, sharpened claws, and dangerous fighting skills. Alongside that, she had a strong mind. It was not easy to gain her trust, and Valkyrie preferred observing over engaging unless necessary. Together, she and Fortune were a formidable force not many would even think of crossing.

Unexpectedly, she slowly dragged her hand from Fortune and stood, leaving him at his position. He turned his head to watch her as she ambled inside the shack tiredly, softly shutting the thick wooden door behind her. As he heard the lock click into place, Fortune turned back around to survey the forest and make sure there was no sign of imminent danger, as was his duty to his beloved companion Valkyrie. He had sworn to protect her from the moment she had taken pity on him and offered him some food, and Fortune always honored his word.

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