Chapter Five

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Still sulking from her previous argument with Kongpob, Achara turned to the only person she knew would help.


"Hi, baby. I can tell from your tone of voice you've fought with Kong. What happened?"

"Oh, mom." Achara began to cry. "I just don't know what to do. We seem to be drifting apart when we should be our happiest. I mean, we're getting married. I know planning a wedding can be stressful, but we aren't even fighting about the wedding."

"If you're not fighting about the wedding, then what's the problem between you two?"

"It's the same old fight, mom. He spends too much time working. Even when he's not at work, his mind is always on his patients. It's like I don't exist for him. I keep thinking that if I just hold on until we're married, things will get better."

"Achara, honey. I love you and you're the apple of my eye, but that's just crazy." Achara's mother chuckled into the phone.

"Mom! Are you making light of my pain? How cruel?"

"Dear, you have always been a drama queen and a little spoiled. I take complete blame for that because your father and I spoiled our only daughter, buy you're an adult now, sweetie. You need to understand that your future husband is dedicated to his career. It takes a loving spirit to do the work he does. Can you imagine the atrocities he must deal with? The horrific things he hears all day. That can take a toll on a person, especially someone as sensitive as your Kong."

"I know, mom, but..."

"There is no 'but'. You need to be more understanding. The last thing a man wants to do after coming home from work is argue. Your father is a surgeon. After long hours on his feet, do you know what I do for him when he comes home?"


"Honey, you lived in this house for almost 25 years, and in all that time, you never paid any attention to your parents? Oh dear. You are spoiled, aren't you?"

"Mom! Stop teasing me. Now is not the time."

"Listen to me, Achara. You need to cater to your fiancé right now. You're spending a great deal of time planning the wedding. You need to concentrate more on Kong. Instead of sitting in your house crying, why don't you make him a delicious meal and surprise him at work. Okay, honey?"

"Thanks mom. That sounds like a really good idea."

"Good, love you, baby."

"Love you too mom."

Kongpob was finishing his notes after seeing his last patient. He stood, stretched and walked to his reception area.

"Marena, how many more patients am I seeing today?"

"Not many Kong. Just three more."

"Okay, here are some more notes for dictation. If you could take care of these, I'd appreciate it. Also, arrange for some lunch to be delivered. I'll just have the usual. Feel free to order for yourself as well. You've worked hard today."

Kongpob smiled at his assistant and turned to walk back into his office. As he often does when he's stressed, he stood in front of his window and bent to inhale the citrusy scent from his favorite orchids. The corners of his lips turned up into a brilliant smile, thinking about his favorite patient. His heart warmed thinking of the man. His soft voice. His warm smile. Kongpob's heart hurt for the man, who was trying to so hard to fight his demons. His heart hurt for Arthit and he was determined to help him make it through his struggle. His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on his office door.

"Well, that was fast," he uttered as he opened the door. He was surprised when, instead of his lunch delivery, he found his fiancé standing there instead with three lunchboxes.

"Achara! What are you doing here?"

She smiled at Kongpob and pushed past him to enter the office. She pecked him on the cheek and placed the lunchboxes on the coffee table.

"Can't I surprise the man I love with lunch?" She took a seat and started unpacking all the food. "Have a seat, I have tom yum, pad thai and even some dumplings."

"Well, Marena was arranging for lunch." Kongpob walked over to sit across from Achara.

"Oh, I met her near the elevator. She said she was just grab something for herself and back in a little while. Come on and sit down, Kong. Let me feed you."

Kongpob sighed and took a seat. He was hoping to enjoy some alone time before tackling his afternoon clients.

"Are you okay Kong? You seem distracted." Achara was preparing a plate for Kongpob and pouring water for the two of them.

"No, I'm fine. It's just been a long morning so far. I have a full schedule of patients this afternoon."

"Well then let's make sure you can see them with a full tummy and a smile on your face, hmm?" Achara smiled at Kongpob and reached for his hand.

Kongpob smiled back at her, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. He watched Achara as she prepared his plate. His heart twisted with guilt. Here sat this lovely woman, who would be an excellent wife for any man, but he was not happy. He couldn't wrap his around why. At the beginning of their relationship, they were carefree college students. As adults, with greater responsibilities, priorities changed, pressures arose, and the fights began. Achara demanded more of his attention and affection, while Kongpob had nothing to give.

He wanted to make her happy. She deserved to be treated like a queen. She had done nothing wrong and Kongpob felt guilty for making her think she had. Now here she was, bringing him lunch and catering to his needs, but he couldn't bring himself to fulfill her needs. How could he break her heart so callously? What could be to make it better?

"Kong? Kong?"


"Is there something wrong? Is the food not good?"

"Oh no. No. The food is wonderful. Thank you so much. This was a very pleasant surprise."

Achara smiled warmly at Kongpob. She was happy to share a quiet moment with him, as she silently thanked her mother for providing her with such sound advice. The warmth in her smile spread throughout her body, believing this was a good reset for their relationship and that things could only get better from here.

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day, Achara?"

"I took your advice and asked a friend to join me at the florist to select the floral arrangements for the wedding. By the way, Kong, I am sorry for being such a brat about that. I know how busy you are and how important your work is. All the stress from planning the wedding is driving me a little batty. From now on, I'll try to handle everything on my own, okay?"

"Achara, that's not necessary. I didn't mean to make you think I wasn't interested at all. I was having a bad day. I didn't mean to take it out on you. Please forgive me."

"Kong, you did nothing wrong. This was all my fault. I'll be more understanding in the future, okay? Now let's finish up our lunch so you can get back to saving the world." She smiled and kissed Kongpob on the cheek. He squeezed her hand continued to eat his lunch. He averted his eyes from hers so she couldn't see the worry written all over his face.

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