Getting Help!

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Freddy's POV~

Bryan was checking the rides when I did it. . . I reached into his bag took his phone. . . I looked at the numbers he had and wrote down the first two numbers I saw and quickly put it back, he came over to his bag and smiled, "I have to go home now Freddy. . . Let the others now.", I nod, "Bye, Bryan. . .", he nods and walks off. . .

I ran into the Hospital room with Baby and got the numbers down, "OK. . .", I typed in the first number and I hoped they picked up. . 

Cam's POV~

I watched as Quinny, Blake and Bunny ran around the garden as I read my book. . . I was just wondering when Justin would get back from his work. . . I suddenly noticed my phone going off, I picked it up and answered the phone. . .


"Miss? Um. . . I know you don't know me but. . . I need your help. . ."

"Who is this? How did you get my number and why do you need my help?"

"Listen. . . I know about your friend. . . Bryan. . ."

". . ."

"Miss. . . Do you know anything about a man in a black suit? I saw him hit Bryan. . ."

"*sighs* That's Bryan's Father. . . Brandon. He's a bloody nightmare! Look. . . You need to look after him! That man will not be good for him nor his health!"

"Wow. . . Do you know anything about the situation. . ."

"I do. . . But it's not safe to talk on the phone. . ."

"OK. . . Meet me at Freddy Land Theme Park. . .",

"Of course!"

I hung up from the mysterious man. . . I frowned at the book I was reading. . . I felt like throwing up. . . Brandon must have gotten out because of his sentence was over! I sighed and looked up to see the others were fine. . . I just hope we can stop that evil man before he makes Bryan leave us. . . Forever. . .

Baby's POV~

Freddy smiled a little, "A girl answered and she's coming over soon.", I jumped up with joy, "Can I call the next number. . .?", he seemed a bit nervous at first but he allowed me, "Thank you!", I took the phone and punched in the number. . . Odd. . . I thought thhe number looked familer. . .

I played with my dolls on the stage as Bryan walked by, "Nope, nope, I'm not dealing with is.", Molten walked after him as he kept talking with Bryan and kept nagging him, I noticed something fell out of his pocket, "Huh?", I pick it up and read it out load, "If he comes back call me and the others. . .", Bryan and Molten looked at me. Bryan quickly took it from me as fast as he could. . .

I quietly gasp to myself as the phone rang. . .

Justin's POV~

I walked home from work and I felt something vibrate in my pocket! I took it out and I heard a little girl. . .

"Freddy, what do I say?"

"Um. . . Hello?"

"Hand me the phone then. . ."


"Hello? Sir?"

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"Hello? Sir?"

"Um, sorry about that. . . Um. . . Do you know anyone called Bryan?"

"I do. . . He's one of my best friends. . . Why?"


Well. . . I called one of his friends. . . And she said something about his Dad. . . Can you help us?"

". . . Of course!!!"

"Meet us at Freddy land. . ."

I hung up and ran to the the location!!

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