Part 2: The Fox

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Fires breathing came in quick huffs as she raced to catch up with Thunder. Once she caught up, she fell to the ground next to him.
"Go slower next time would you!" She hissed in fury, lashing her tail and sending leaves flying up into the air, gently landing on the leaf-covered ground. It was Fall, leading towards Winter of which their worst time comes, it isn't easy to find prey and water in the piercing cold winter. Once the time comes they will have to fight their hardest to survive and take hard paths through the bitter Winter days. She shuddered even thinking about it and snapped out of it, she pulled to her paws and huffed, shaking out the leaves from her messy fur.
"Hello?" She snapped at Thunder, walking in front of him, she saw his eyes were glazed, hiding his emotion. He shook his head and gazed at her,
"Sorry, I'll go slower next time.." his voice was edged with fear, and she began to wonder what was wrong.
"Are you ok?" She asked, confused and worried for her older brother. He glared at her,
"I'm fine!" He growled, leading ahead, leaving Fire to watch him go his way to find prey with her heart torn, I have to find out what's wrong.. she sprinted after him, surprised at her speed as she ran through the forest, she felt like her paws were carrying her, the soft breeze pushing against her face. Before she made it to Thunder, she bashed into something and got flung at a tree, for a second her world was dazzling with a bright light, but then she slid to the ground and focused again she looked to where she tripped and her eyes widened with fear, a red-brown furred creature stood snarling only 5 feet away. She backed away and desperately flung herself up the tree she crashed into, it was a Fox. She heard it snarl in fury and it's paws pounding after her, she scrabbled up the tree she crashed into, fear pulsing through her veins and head. She reached the lowest branch and the fox snapped at her tail, she crouched, then with courage she jumped to the next branch. She steadied herself, almost falling, then heaved with exhaustion, almost too tired to dig her claws into the thin branch. She looked down at the snapping jaws of the fox and shuddered, imagining what could've happened if she hadn't thought fast enough. She then saw a small flurry of grey fur below her and yowled.
"Thunder! Watch out!" She warned with fear, Thunder skidded to a stop, dropping his prey and staring at the large fox snapping at Fire, the fox sniffed and slid down from the tree, facing Thunder, Fire cried out, her body shaking. She saw Thunders mouth moving and stretched to listen.
She could make out a few words,
"...I'm not scared of you.." she made out those words and shock made her shudder.
"Thunder no!" She saw Thunder and the fox clash together and she closed her eyes, her heart falling apart as she was too afraid to say anything. She couldn't help.. she lost her grip and fell to the ground with a thud. Her whole body shaking and her whiskers quivering. She lifted her head up slightly, there was too much dust to see what was happening between them, she struggled to her paws and raised her head, racing into the dust, she saw Thunder slashing at the foxes thick fur. She let out a howl of anguish and jumped, slashing her claw across its nose, it fell backwards, pawing at its nose. It whimpered, turning and taking off, letting out little whimpers of fear.
Thunder, oh, brother, please be ok..

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