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Throughout this story there are going to be profanities, kidnapping, sex, sexual abuse, kinky shit, violence, use of drugs and alcohol, and fluffy moments. Please proceed at your own risk.


You just joined Creepy Pasta Academy. You act cute and nervous giving you an innocent look even though you're far from innocent. You use your cuteness to lure your victims into your trap.

Your backstory is that you witnessed your whole family die. So full of hate and despair you went on until you eventually felt nothing. You vowed that you will stop at nothing until you find who murdered your family and kill them to avenge your family. You went insane after a while and thirsted blood.

One day came when you were walking, looking for your next victim. You got bored and went in an alleyway to rest your feet, when all of a sudden you look up and see someone holding a knife. They called you beautiful then knocked you out.

The next day you woke up chained to a chair. You hear a voice saying "wake up my dear". You lift your head to see the man that knocked you out standing before you. You say with a tired voice "who are you and what do you want with me". "First my dear you have to tell me your name before I answer any of your questions" the kidnapper said in a diabolical voice. "my name is (y/n) and yours" you spat back to him. The man gives you a desired look then says with the same diabolical voice, " well what do I want with you is YOU, when I first laid my eyes on your innocence I just fell in love with you and wanted to make you scream. I don't know why but I always had an eye for innocent girls, so I'm basically saying I love you (y/n)". Your eyes widened, you look at him and say in your mind, "what the hell is he saying?! Does he really think I'm innocent?! Well he just has to see me kill....maybe I can use his love and my innocent trick on him so he will fall for my trap just like the others.".

After having a moment to think over your plan you decided what you're going to do. When you fall back into reality, his back is turned to you. He turns back to you, holding a knife, then acts like he is going to stab you. You saw this so you faked a scream as best as you could judging by the fact you felt nothing. When you screamed you saw that he looked quite pleased. He eventually put the knife down and came right up to your face and said "my dear (y/n) I won't stab you, in fact, you're going to stay here with me and if you try to leave or escape I will kill you without hesitation...".

He unlocked the chains. Once you could move your arms and hands he said "just remember you belong to me". As he said that he had a sadistic looking smile, your eyes widened even more than what they were. You looked up at him with a glare as he left. You couldn't wait to kill him. After he left you realized that he never told you his name and that he intended that. "You sly bitch" you thought "I must admit you got me good.". You sighed "well I should rethink my plan.".

"Hmmm lets see, since it appear that I woke up in his torture room, no, more like play room. I might as well find a weapon that I can use" you said to yourself. You look around the room and saw a loaded glock and a knife. You grabbed the gun and hid it in your boot then grabbed the knife and hid it in your pocket.

You decided to explore around since you needed time to think of a new plan which you knew would take a while. You eventually found your room "I might as well get some sleep and think about my plan tomorrow when I wake up" you said before you turned the lights off and went to bed.

It's the next day you wake up and see a clean outfit. You put the outfit on and hid your knife and gun where they won't be seen. You then headed downstairs to see the man who kidnapped you cooking breakfast. "I hope you like this I made it with love for you and only you" he said. You responded back by saying "thank you it looks lovely.". You lied. In your eyes it looked disgusting. You hated every bite but still put on an innocent look.

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