With Friends Comes Interest

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You get to your class and meet your professor and they are no other than the Slenderman himself. You and Victor find a seat, then you draw all your attention to Professor Slenderman. Slenderman then says something; "hello I'm your professor and I would like you to address me by Professor Slenderman or just Professor, welcome to your class, this class is about killing as I'm sure most of you know, but for you new creepypastas it's just a heads-up."

You look at Victor and Victor looks at you and says; "a fitting name for this class. I wonder if we'll learn more than just killing." Slenderman looks up and says; "good question, yes, you will be learning more than just killing. If you didn't, it wouldn't benefit you as a killer and if you do know this stuff, you can kill in many ways. But do remember the main subject here is math due to the fact we need to solve math equations to kill in the ways we choose."

Slenderman started to teach his lesson and to your surprise it was pretty entertaining, going by the fact when you were growing up as a human you didn't really like school so much, but it was a normal process of growing up.

Class seem to have ended before you knew it and at that time it was a good time for lunch, so you and Victor went out hunting and Journey watched you guys leave and he thought; 'I better keep an eye on them, I would hate loosing my precious (y/n) to Victor. Hmmmm I bet she would hate him if I told her the truth about him, but for now I'll watch from the sidelines'. Journey followed you guys out a couple of minutes after you and Victor left.

You and Victor finally were able to leave where the school was hidden and when you got into the city you guys were in a alleyway and four guys came into the alley and you killed them without any blood on you. As journey saw that, he finally knew why you were in the creepypasta and its because you carry the traits that are needed, you are a fast killer, you see no problem in killing, your swift on your feet, and you have something that keeps you motivated.

You and Victor ate some of the organs from the bodies, and then all of a sudden Eyeless Jack appeared out of nowhere and took a kidney and ate it then looked at you and said; "this doesn't mean anything bitch, kidneys are just my favorite." You looked at him with a glare and said; "fine by me asshole." After you said that, he smiled and said; "this year definitely will be interesting." You were still looking at Jack with that same glare than smiled and said; "indeed it will be quite interesting, but intriguing".

You guys went back over to the college and and went to your dorms to get some rest that way you can join in on the fun to kill with the other creepypastas. It finally hit the time where you could go killing all together so you got dress and put on a mask (A/N any mask you can think of)so that way your face is hidden so you can use your boy bait trick.

As you walked out of your room, you instantly see your relatively good friend Jeff. You go up to him waving, "hey Jeffy!~" Jeff looked at you then sighs "you're so lucky you're cute BK." You smiled as he said BK knowing that it was your stage name that meant Bloodless Killer. "So Jeffy pie;" you said that knowing it would annoy him, "are you ready to kill some people and have fun?" He looked at you slightly annoyed "yeah... I'm ready. Also... STOP CALLING ME BABY NAMES!!" he yelled at you and you just smiled. Jeff just blushes while clearly still a bit angry.

Victor comes in wearing a black hoodie looking extremely sketchy. As he walks up to you yelling; "hi (Y/N)! Hi Jeff! How are you guys?" Jeff quickly looses his blushes and looks at Victor and says; "hey Victor, I'm glad that you're also fitting in here." Victor replied saying! "yeah... both me and (Y/N) have been fitting in pretty well and making friends like you. But... the only person we haven't been able to actually have a nice conversation with... or well (Y/N) hasn't been able to have one with is EJ." Jeff looks at you then sighs; "he's so stubborn... I'm so sorry about him, I feel like it has to do with the fact that; before he became what he is now... he knew someone who looked like you (Y/N), and she betrayed his trust."

You just sorta stare at Jeff and think to yourself; 'interesting... so the rude Eyeless Jack has a soft side... I'll use this information as an advantage against him.' you smiles at the the thought, then you noticed Jeff looking at you with a bit of an unimpressed look that you could just barely see due to the permanent smiles and the burned off eyelids. You looked him up and a down a bit making sure he didn't notice, and you gotta admit, he looks fine as hell despite the permanent smile cut onto his face and the burned off eyelids.


Jeff's POV ~

I chuckled quietly realizing that (Y/N) was checking me out and thought to myself; 'so cute~ such a shame that Victor probably wouldn't allow me to get too close to her... I wonder what she means to him... oh well.. all I know is that, he most likely wouldn't give (Y/N) a minute without him being clinged onto her..' I sigh. I actually do want to get to know (Y/N). I look at Victor as he's currently sorta babying (Y/N).

I look at (Y/N) and she says; "Jeffy, let's go out and wait for the others. Is that ok with you?" I blushed a bit since she's using the pet name she labeled me as, I personally found it sorta cute but more embarrassing, I replied to her question; "sure, I'll come with you guys." (Y/N) slightly smiles at me, and since I have a smiles carved in on me face, I always smile. "I can't wait to make it so people Go To Sleep."

She gives me that grin of hers while saying; "hell yeah! Those pathetic people deserve to die."

I looked at her closely and wonder, what size cup she is in bra size, she has to be a quadruple d cup right? Someday I'm going to make her and that large rack of hers mine and mine alone. I just have to be able to pull her away from Victor long enough, but how?

We walked to the front of the school and patiently waited for all the other creepypastas.

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