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"Why did I even agree to this?" She groaned to herself, letting her head fall on to the wooden table she was at with a dull thud.

"Because you love me," a voice at the table behind her whispered, and she quickly lifted her head up, her platinum blond hair falling in front of her face.

"Say one more fucking word, and I'm reaching over there and carving your heart out with a spoon."

"A sp- spoon? Why a spoon?"

"Because it's dull, you twit, it'll hurt more," she seethed, clenching her teeth together.

Lottie received an Instagram DM a yesterday, asking for a huge favor. As much as she would rather be at home, in bed, cuddling with her boyfriend, she loves her brother so fucking much and would do anything for him. So here she is, at the little café in town, sitting at a table.

She taps her fingernails on the top of the table, the clicking sound oddly satisfying to her. Lottie pursed her lips and looked over at the drink that she had already gotten her brother, pretty sure that it was most likely room temperature now, but it's his own fault for being so slow.

She picked up her phone that lay in front of her, checking to see if her brother had texted her at all. Still nothing.

"Okay, what if he got into a car crash?" The person on the other side asked in anticipation, and it made Lottie roll her eyes.

"He didn't. He's one of the safest drivers I know. He'll be here, I promise."

"Okay, but what if he takes one look at me, and then leaves?"

"You need to calm your fucking nerves before I leave."

"I'm sorry. I'm just really excited and terrified all at the same time."

Lottie furrowed her eyebrows together and scoffed a little bit, "Terrified? This is Louis. You have literally nothing to be terrified of. He's a fucking baby hedgehog that would hurt himself before hurting someone he loves."

She heard him sigh and pictured him sinking in his seat on the other side of the wall that separated the two booths.

"All the love for Louis."

After about five more minutes of waiting, the bell above the door to the café dinged softly as someone entered. Without a second thought, Lottie was out of the booth and on her feet. She quickly slid over to the other booth, blocking the other person from view as she smiled at her brother.

"Hi, love," he said, tugging on his white shirt that said 'Supreme' in a red box.

"Hi, Louis. Thanks for coming." She thanked the heavens that he went straight for the booth that she was motioning to, completely skipping the hug.

"Alright," he grunted, sliding into the booth, "You said it was urgent and I went three over the speed limit. What's up?"

Lottie started at him and blinked once, trying not to laugh. "Just three over? If I told you that I was dying, would you go more than three over?"

She watched his eyes flash in panic just imagining it, "Okay, but you're not dying, you're right across from me. Going three over was already fucking stressful. What do you want?"

"I have someone I want you to meet."

The look in his eyes went from bright to dull in less than .06 seconds. There was a soft slap of hands on the table as Louis pushed himself up and started to scoot out of the booth, but Lottie beat him to it. She knew he would react like this.

"Lottie, I do not have time for another one of your blind dates. I'm going home, please move."

"I can't let you leave."

"This is considered being held hostage, I'm calling the police."

"Louis!" She laughed, taking his phone from him quickly and pocketing it. "Sit down."

He sat back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest, now pouting before staring very clearly, "I don't care who it is, there won't be a second date."

"How would you know? What if you actually might like this guy?"

"There was only one guy I liked, and I miss him so much, but I don't think it'll happen again. So, my plan is just grow old and die alone."

"Lou," she sighed, making sure that her brother didn't see her move her phone into position and turn on the camera, starting to video. "I think you'll change your mind."

"Lottie, nothing is going to make me-"

Louis' words got caught in his throat as Lottie slowly took one step back to get the 'blind date' in the video as he stepped out from the other booth. His blue eyes trailed from those infamous and ridiculous gold boots to the blue skinny jeans to the tight black shirt revealing those fucking sleeve tattoos and finally to those piercing green eyes.

Louis felt like he suddenly could not breathe. Like all the air in the world had been vacuumed up. His fingers went to the edge of the table to grip it tightly so that he couldn't fall over. Louis was only able to get one word out before full out sobbing.


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