Before The Storm

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Menani restlessly squirmed in her seat waiting for the bell to dismiss her from the classroom and deliver her unto the holidays.

The teacher was almost done handing out their report cards. Menani clutched hers in her left hand. Ready to bolt any second the bell rang. Her seatmate Victor returned to his seat, having collected his.

"I took fourth." He told her before she could ask.
"That's an improvement." She pointed out. "Congrats"
"Thanks." He went quiet for a while, wearing a glum expression. "Dada would be expecting 1st position though."
"Ah... Fuck Dada." Menani said. Victor looked at her then and they burst out laughing. It was all bold talk. In African society especially in Nigeria, parents ruled sovereign. They could whoop your ass if they so wished and nobody would lift a finger against it.
    So it was in this fit of laughter that the bell finally rang. Releasing students who were eager to go home in their numbers. Menani for one bolted right out. Victor kept up pace with her. Holding a small package.
"Hey! Wait up. What's the hurry?"
"I wish I knew"
"Well... Here!" He handed her the package. "Happy birthday."
     Menani hugged him then. Victor was her bestest friend in the world.
"Thank you Vic." Nana's car pulled up then. It was a Mercedes S Class, all tinted glass, cost about 6mil or something.
"Hey the day isn't over yet. I'll see you at home."
He winked at her. Menani smiled. He sauntered off. The driver wound down the glass.
"Are you guys dating now?" Dennis asked. Dennis was her brother, older than her by 7 years.
"Ewww... What sewer came out from that mouth?" She joked and got in. "No brother, that is never going to happen between us."
"Poor dude. Sure looks like he thinks something will." She stared after him as he got into his own car.
"Does he?" Poor dude indeed. "Too bad"
  Dennis agreed with her and pulled out from the curb.
"Happy Birthday Ni. Hope you're up for some clubbing." He smiled. She smiled back.
"Aren't I always?"

Let me explain Menani to you, and maybe you'd understand her, and her family better.
  Menani was the last of her siblings, the second and last girl child born into Mr. Ellis Condrich Nanna's immediate family, the current CEO of the Condrich Empire and group of companies. A investment company that had shares and investments in every successful company in Africa. Everything from raw materials, soil minerals and agriculture, services of all kinds and technology had a spot in the Condrich Empire.
  The Condrich Empire was in its Centurion year being in existence even before Nigeria got it's independence. They were once royals of a bloodline that had mysteriously disappeared after the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914 by Lord Lugard.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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