Chapter 5: The Search

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                                                                  Picture of Eric Donelson on top.

All the men and women of the town had gathered around the Weyrich Square (named after one of the founding members of the community) . Their eyes on the group standing in the middle of the square.
  The entire town feared and revered them. They had the power, they set the rules and they ensured that those rules were never broken. Their word was the law. No one dared to question them. They were chosen to protect and maintain what their ancestors had established. Some of the most powerful families in the town. The guardians of the community. Whoever went against the code of the community were dealt with utmost harshness. The strictest of punishments which helped deter potential law-breakers from treading "off" the path of "righteousness" and "morality". One of these men was Eric Donelson. Today they had gathered to announce a new rule. They brought up this new rule to tackle with the growing menace of the "immoral modernity " on the young members of the community. How they corrupted the young minds and made them rebellious. The diner owner's daughter had fled from the town and contacted the press and had maligned the community and insulted the sacred code. The wretched girl did the unthinkable and brought more shame to the community.
      "We have all gathered here to discuss a matter of grave concern. In the past few days the community has faced some serious shame because of the unspeakable sins of young Miss Sarah. We as the Guardians of the community have collectively decided to excommunicate her. Henceforth she will cease to be a member of the community. And if she ever dares to return, she would be dealt in the same manner as a sinner is dealt with." Eric Donelson spoke as the gathering listened silently and they agreed with him. That girl  always had rebellious streak in her. If only he could somehow manage to get her back to the town he would have had her kneeling at this same square, her bare back  presented to the entire town for lashing. He would be holding the whip himself. Even a hundred lashes are not enough for her sins. Eric thought to himself. The is the standard method of atonement for erroneous and corrupt women in the community. This is how it has always been and how it will be.
(ps. I am not condoning this kind of thinking or anything that is demeaning women. I am writing this to show the misogynist mentality of the character).
        After the gathering Eric returned to his home and headed straight to his office. He had received a call from Frank a month ago. That crook had been working for him for the last 20 years. Been loyal to him after he saved him from the cops in a drug trafficking case. Frank had told him about how he had spotted Christina at a grocery store. He was almost sure that it was Christina. At first Eric had refused to believe it but when he showed him photographs he immediately recognised her. The same eyes and the same lips. She was as attractive as she had been fifteen years back. She had matured like wine . He ordered Frank to keep an eye on the woman and gather all the information he could about her. Frank was specifically ordered never to approach or alert her in any manner. His Christina after all these years and this time he couldn't have her escaping like last time. He would have her back at all cost. He did not inform his brother though. He knew Peter had always been too soft on her. Had it not been for his help she would not have managed to escape the town with their daughter 15 years ago. He had a fall out with his brother after her escape. Had it not been for their mother he would have had thrown him out of the town. But he is not a threat anymore. He would not be able to do anything now anyway. The accident had left him wheelchair bound. Now he remains confined in his house most of the time except for when he has to travel outside the town for his checkups.
         This week he had ordered his men to grab her when Frank informed he spotted a young girl of about 21 at her house. Eric knew it was their daughter. She was 6 when Christina took her away. He knew Christina had brought her up to be as feisty as her. He could not believe his luck. He would have both of them back finally and this time he would not have to share with his brother.

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