Fighting For Love.... (Re-Vamped)

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hi guys this story is the re-vamped version of my other story FIGHTING TOOTH AND CLAW FOR LOVE. This story is etited and now in two P.O.V's

hope you enjoy xxxxxx



Sephs P.O.V

Jess walked into our form room, she was almost late again, but the grin on her face showed that she didn't care; she gave our form teacher a little wave at her permanently scowled face. What always baffled me was how she came in just before the bell rung; it was an absolute mystery to me. It made teachers mad that they couldn’t tell her off for being late.

She flopped down into the seat on my left, giving out a long sigh. I glanced around the class to see that all the boys where sending me daggers or staring lustfully at Jess. It was like this every morning when she did this. It gave me a lot of satisfaction when she sat next to me, purely because she could sit next to anyone she wanted, even the slags and man-whores.

They wanted her. It was obvious. Every day she had one of the boys and sometimes the odd girl or two coming up and asking her if she would go out on a date with them. But she would give them that look that had an apology written all over it, and stick her lips out in that pout that always got me turned on but I made sure that she never knew that I was interested in her that way. It would ruin our friendship.

“Hey Sparks, what’s up?”  She asked. My gaze snapped back to hers.

“Not much, how are you?” I still asked even though I already knew the answer, her face showed it clear enough. It was like reading a book, but she didn’t need to know that. It would hurt here feelings and I couldn't do that to her. Jess babbled with me only half listening just making the odd sound every now and then when she asked a question. She didn't seem to notice and just didn't care that I was only pretending to listen

Sometimes I wondered if Jess was like me.

NO!  That was ridiculous, how could she be? If she was, she would have found her way to the house by now. Or at least one of us would of caught her scent on the runs out.

She might not have turned yet though, that would make sense. It would be a late change, but still possible. The colour of her hair would look good as a coat. So shiney ans soft...

"SHUT UP SEPH." I screamed at myself. She smelt like a human. She sounded like a human. And she looked like one. That’s not a very good example though, we all looked like humans.

But no matter what I thought something in my sub consciousness told me there was something different about her.....

“Becket!” Mrs River called to me over the classroom. She was a tall, lean woman with a face that was a hard as stone. Despite her had looks there was beauty there, there always is with our type. Mrs River could be nice if she tried; she would have to try really, really hard though.

“Yes miss” I answered sourly, she has it in for me, since I beat her son Danyal in a fight about 3 years ago. But since she found out what I was she’s got worse.

How was I meant to know her husband was the alpha of the North West pack? I wondered what she shifted into. People generally somehow acted in the way that there animal did. It could be anything, because technically she didn’t have to be a werewolf to marry one. She could still be a human for all I know.

“Stop daydreaming and get on with your work” she ordered. Her face started to turn slowly red, at my daydreaming. I could picture her with steam coming out of her ears.

“Yes mam” I said saluting, choosing to ignore the glare that she sent. I knew it would cost me at some point in the future; she would get some of the 'boys' from her pack to catch me at lunch or something along those lines.

Next to me Jess laughed silently her lose auburn hair quivering in little waves as the giggles rocked through her. Her whole frame shaking.

When the bell rang we collected up our books and went to our next classes, Jess to P.E and me to Art. I wanted to follow her, to the gym, where the torture awaited them.

Don’t get me wrong I LOVE running but, I run a bit faster than the normal person, let’s say by 20 mph faster. Some people might be freaked. So I would have to push my other side back. I just wouldn’t enjoy it so. Many of the others agreed with me. So as a general rule we stayed away from those kind of lessons. So off i trudge to art, graceful of peace and quiet for a good hour. I knew that I would be made better though if Jess was with me. But she wasn’t.

 I knew that I would see her at lunch.


At lunch I was sitting with some of the other pack members (we like to stick together when we can) when a felt a familiar presence touch my mind. Instantly I threw up some shields so that I couldn’t hear what he was thinking.

“Hey mutts wanna to go for a walk?” a nasal voice, sneered at my back.

“Go away Danyal” I said not turning.

He snarled some words that should not be heard in public. People head began to turn. Seeing what was going on. I turned and gave him a hateful glare. Stood behind him where his usual cronies all beef and muscle but no brains what so ever. He Looked cool acted like a prick but had an wickedly evil mind.

Danyal came from the shifters pack South East of us. Some people don’t know what the difference between Shifters and Weres, but we absolutely hate each other. None of us know why its in our genes or summit. 

Just as I was about to answer back, with a retort that would of put Danyal’s to shame. Jess wondered up with what she called lunch. All she had was a bottle of water and a wrap. But again she was saving my life and pride.

 “Danyal” she said, her eyes flashing dangerously. Which made me feel a bit odd because it was a look I saw very rarely. She was normally so happy and kind that it kind of made me scared for what was about to happen.  She only ever got that look on her face when she was seriously pissed and it was never good for the person on the reciving end of that anger.

But even when she was obviously furious beyond the point of reasoning, she still looked so sexy and mouth watering that it hurt.

“What do you want fur ball?” he sneered at her, which set me off fuming. But i had learnt by now that letting my temper show was not a very good idea. And Danyal got satisfaction out of it, and that was not something that I was going to give him willingly.

“You’re in my seat” she stated.

“And why should I care he said turning to face her."

“This is why”and she punched him right in the jaw. If he hadn’t been sat down I swear he would have fallen over. The yell he gave made all eyes turn to us.

Everyone was staring now.

Quickly while he was covering up his nose – another thing we heal a bit faster than the normal- I was staring at Jess, she was staring at her hands, a look of astonishment on her face. I wasn’t surprised; normally Jess won’t hurt a fly. And i knew for a fact she would never punch somebody even Danyal. She looked up and met my gaze and so many emotions flickered across I couldn’t tell what most of them where, mostly it was scared, no not scared absolutely terrified.

A shiver racked through her body. And seeing that shiver, Somehow I knew then what was happening so I acted on instinct. I started to change. The coldness came over me like a bucket of water tipped over my head, torturous but refreshing sat the same time.

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