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"No ones watching us. Don't give a fuck. Wheels on the bus"

"BYE MOM!" I said as I grabbed my stuff and walked outside to the school bus. Of course mom didn't hear me. She was probably too busy fucking one of the thousand men she slept with everyday. slut.

I got on the bus and saw Jonah already sitting in one of the seats. I also saw Crybaby and Angelita sitting behind him. I kinda liked Crybaby. She had always been nice to me. But I didn't really like Angelita. She was always telling me to stay away from Crybaby because "she is my friend and I don't want her going around with the daughter of some nasty ass slut". I sat down next to Jonah and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. 'And?' He asked, giving me a grin. 'Ready for hell?' I smiled at him. 'You bet I am-' I got interrupted by screaming behind me. Even worse than it was before. I heard an very ugly laugh, which probably came from Blue Boy.

'Real mature!' I heard Angelita say. I turned around to see what was happening and saw Crybaby crying, probably because of something Kelly said to her. 'What's it Crybaby?' I asked. Angelita took a paper out of Crybaby's hand and showed it to me. "Gap toothed bitch" it said. 'Oh I swear that bitch is gonna meet my fists' I murmured to myself as I stood up from my seat and walked towards Kelly. 'Hey!' Jonah said as he also stood up and grabbed my arm. 'It's not worth it Naida, let it go' he gave me a serious look. It must have looked funny: the small girl looking mad as fuck and the big boy giving her a face as if he was her dad telling her not to be home too late.

Everyone was screaming at Crybaby at this point, and oh lord did I want to scream too. But to them instead of Crybaby. But I just let it go, relaxed and looked out the window. 'Ew, look what Maya and Dan are doing!' Jonah said, interrupting my daydream. 'GUYS THATS GROSS STOP IT!' I screamed towards them, and they immediately took their hands back from each other's... well, pants. I laughed and so did Jonah. Maybe K-12 wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

'JASON WHAT THE FUCK!' I said, looking behind me -which I regretted- as Jason was putting his fucking ass on the glass. Right after that the driver hit a bump, and he fell down. I saw Crybaby and Angelita laughing and knew what they had done. 'Nice move ladies!' Jonah said to them and Angelita immediately started blushing. "Ew gross" I thought to myself but shook it off and started daydreaming again.

Guess I had been daydreaming to long, because when I looked around I saw MANY things happening. Kelly getting mad at one of her friends for I don't know what, Celeste laughing, and the best part; blue boy screaming at his huge, red hands.

We stopped to pick a boy up. When he hopped on I saw he was incredibly handsome. And of course I was not the only one who taught that. Crybaby stood up when the boy walked towards a seat. She smiled at him and he smiled back. "That's cute!" I thought. And right when they were about to kiss, steam started coming from Kelly's ears and she screamed. Not a normal scream. A scream people on the moon would hear. That scream really hurt my ears. The boy looked at Kelly and pushed Crybaby to the side as he walked towards her. They immediately started flirting and I gave Jonah the look. "NOW I'm gonna get that hoe"


I walked towards Kelly, and oh lord was i mad. One of her stupidass friends saw me coming and tapped Kelly on the shoulder. She immediately got smacked by Kelly, who was just about to kiss the boy. Then Kelly noticed me. 'DON'T COME NEAR ME YOU BITCH!' she said as she stood up. 'OH YOU FUCKING BET I WILL!' i screamed back. I had reached her and pushed her so she fell back in her seat. The boy had left, not wanting to be a part of this bitchfight, and was now sitting next to Jonah. 'get off me you- you-!' Kelly said as she tried to escape from the tight grip I held her in. 'I AM WHAT, KELLY? SAY IT! BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING SLUT! YOU CAN'T JUST GO AROUND, CLAIMING PEOPLE ALL FOR YOURSELF! HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT HE WANTED! DID HE WANT TO SIT NEXT TO YOU? DID HE WANT TO KISS YOU? YOU TELL ME BECAUSE "I AM KELLY THE QUEEN OF EVERYTHING AND I KNOW EVERY FUCKING THING!" Kelly was looking scared at this point. Good. That's what I was aiming for. I looked at the boy but he was too afraid to say anything. Okay then. I let Kelly go because of a huge turn the bus made. I fell down and tried to stood up, only to fall again as the bus fell down from a cliff, right into the water.

I crawled towards Jonah and sat down on his lap. 'Are we gonna die? I don't want to die yet!' I said, panicking.
'Don't worry Naida, we've got this' I heard Crybaby say behind me. I turned and smiled at her as I saw her and Angelita's eyes turn black. I also tried to activate my powers, but I couldn't because I was still panicking. "Hey, don't worry. They are gonna save everyone and get us to that shithole called K-12" i thought to myself. I closed my eyes -for what felt like only one second- but when I opened them I saw we were flying above the clouds. I looked put of the window with my mouth wide opened. 'Wow...' I said. Only a few seconds after I heard Jonah say the same thing. 'This is so cool!' I heard Magnolia say a few rows behind me. I smiled and turned to a guy screaming 'I'M GONNA JUMP OUT OF THIS WINDOW!' Jonah laughed at him and said 'yeah please do it so I won't have to hear your bullshit anymore!' I laughed and gave him a small punch on his arm.

Maybe it indeed wouldn't be as bad as I thought


Hey guys! Nice long chapter haha
I'm gonna try and make every chapter at least 1000 words :)
Please let me know what you think of this!
I'm pretty proud actually haha
Word count: 1107

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