Twenty-Seven: Lily

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The final speech from Dumbledore. Tears of joy. Thoughts of the future. That's what filled every seventh year's mind on the students' final days at Hogwarts. For Lily, her years went by so fast, and so many twists developed; she could barely recall them all. Though her favorite involved the wizard sitting next to her: James Potter.

His hair clearly was an attempt at neatness, but Lily knew nothing worked. It was like that soft hair of his was cursed to be forever unruly. His adventurous eyes blinked behind his square-rimmed glasses, and his expression was relaxed. Lily stroked his thumb with her own and she smiled to herself.

"For the students of Hogwarts graduating this year, the professors and I wish the best of luck to you all. Many happy, successful years for each and every one of you. Your years at Hogwarts were great ones. We can only hope the years after you leave this place of learning are better with each passing year." Dumbledore finished his lengthy speech, raising his wand in the air; seventh years' wands followed in celebration of their completion of schooling.

A wave of cheering began from the back, amplifying as people joined in. A few students set off sparks from their wands, showering the tall ceiling of the Great Hall in colored light. James turned to Lily and wrapped his arms around her waist, supporting her by her thighs as he kissed her passionately. Her flaming hair created a sort of curtain between others and them.

"I love you, Lily Evans." James said against her lips. Lily pulled back in mild surprise, blankly staring at him.

"I-I love you too, James Potter." She breathed, her fingers tangling in his hair at the nape of his neck. His smile was bright as their lips came together once again.


Lily and Calysta were at Lily's home outside of London. The grounds were alive with butterflies and small bees that buzzed around wild flowers in the long grass surrounding the house. An old tire swing hung unused for many years on a thick branch of a tree that has appeared in Lily's dream many times. Lily kicked her legs with the breeze to make the tire sway lazily in the hot sun.

"He said he loved me, Cal." Lily sighed as if in a dream. The other girl, cross-legged on the ground, looked up from the pile of grass picked by her own fingers that seemed to have been controlling themselves. She smiled a small smile.

"That's great," Calysta said honestly. "I'm glad you two are together. James wanted to be with you so badly. I'm also relieved you accepted him like you did."

"I am too. Don't tell James I said that. He may have grown up a bit, but that will still inflate his already gigantic ego." Both girls laughed at Lily's comment.

"Sirius doesn't have to say what he already shows." Calysta stated. Though he did on Christmas Eve, Calysta didn't need it to know how he felt. Lily rested her chin on the top of the tire, the old rubber stuck to her skin when she moved.

"I can tell he loves you." Lily told her quietly. Calysta tilted her head, twiddling a blade of grass between her index finger and thumb.

"Remus said the same thing to me yesterday." Her laugh was more like a sharp exhale. Lily smiled and kicked at the ground; the tire swung, spinning her once in one direction, once more in the opposite.

"What are your plans?" Lily changed the subject.

"Plans?" Calysta looked up at her again.

"You know, for the future. What are you wanting to do?"

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