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My mother, who was chattiest and perkiest person was too quiet during dinner. I knew something was wrong even before she spoke. Mom cleared her throat and put her fork down beside her plate of nutrient.

"Umm.. kids I..umm.. have some news for you guys." Maybe I was the only one that noticed but, my mom looked nervous really nervous.

"Is it good or bad?" My older brother James asked.

" Considerably, you guys can decide when you discover it."

"Mom,what's going on?" Miley, my little sister asked.

"I thought you guys should go on a very long vacation so-"

"Wait!" Miley raised her hands "what you mean by 'long vacation'"

"I guess you guys should move away to some other state or nation for a solid twelve months."

"That sounds cool!" Miley excitedly said.

"Miley, she didn't even say where we were going yet."James said

"Yeah, about that. Um...You're... umm..."

"Mom, where what?" Miley, who is now looking suspiciously asked.

."You're going to your father's house.

"Mom quickly said. While my siblings are screaming their "what" I am coughing furiously from the water I choked on.

"Are you okay, honey?" Mom asked as she reached over ready to touch or pat me on the back. I moved back fast, so fast that I almost fell off my chair.

I stood up from my chair spoke for the first time since this conversation started and said "I can't believe you're doing this to us. We're your only family left and YOU'RE sending us to the devil who destroyed our family." I looked mom straight in the eye and then I ran out of the kitchen up to my room.

I hope you guys liked this chapter!! I will be writing soon!! -missunderstoodR.I.P16

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