Apartment Time!!!

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Blade's P.O.V
We went to are room and opened it.Wow this looks empty,we then went to get are stuff and the mover
People helped put it in.Now for the MAKEOVER!!!!I went around and looked at the apartment,Its quite big yet small,perfect for two or more people not that big but just right.I went into the kitchen and it looked pretty nice,i then checked the rooms and one had a view of the city while the other had no windows.Hmmm wonder which one Vizzy will choose.I then went back to Vizzy and she looked around,she decided to choose the one with no windows so I guess I get the view.i went into my room and it actually looked pretty big I think bigger then vizzy's mwahahahahahah.I turned on my
Rock playlist and then I moved my bed to the middle of the room and started putting the furniture in.I then grabbed my boxes and started putting my stuff up.I deceived to paint my room later so I just left my posters alone.After putting away the little band merch I have and nice clothes I then start to put away all my other things,i put my jewlery away and put all my books on the book shelf.My tv and Xbox,Desk and laptop,and my perfumes and lotions.After that I finally made my bed and layed down.Man that was hardwork!I look at the time and it's 11:30,Wow the time went by really fast!I go into vizzy's room to find her sleeping on her bed!she hasn't done anything!!well that's Vizzy for you.I go into the living room and set everything up.The black couch is against the wall and the Tv is in front and there's a coffee table In between.I then put whatever we have Into the kitchen like the kitchen supplies and appliances.ill just have to buy food later.I then went back to my room and turned my music off,its 12:40 already so I decide to take a shower and then change Into my batman soft pajama pants and my Nightmare Before Christmas shirt.I get in my bed and put all the covers over me,i some how turn the light off and then slip into sleep.
~~~~~countless hours of sleep~~~~~
I wake up and look around,I did a good job at my room.I get up and feel sore all over,I go into the hallway and go to vizzy's room.I see her still sleeping,wow that girl sleeps forever!!!but sleep is good so eh I don't blame her.I go to the living room and sit down.I don't feel like doing anything!!!I go back to my room and wash my face and use the bathroom,ok I believe I'm awake now,i go to my room and change Into skinny jeans one side is red and black checkered and the other is plain black I put on a Red sleeping with sirens shirt.I get my glasses and put some perfume on,i then get my electronics from the chargers and check my phone for any messages.I got one from my
Mom asking if we made it,whoops I forgot to tell her oh well I reply with a yeah and then go on twitter and all the other social networks I have.Im hungryyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!Hm I go into vizzy's room and she's knocked out.Maybe I could go eat brunch with johnnie and Craig or something while Vizzy sleeps here.Yup!thats my final choice!I text johnnie and see if he's up,hopefully he is I mean it is noon I know I sleep late but I don't know I'm just hoping he is.After a little bit he replies and I ask him if he wants to get brunch,and he agrees.I leave the room and make sure I have my spare key,i then go outside the building and look around.Man It's really sunny,i text johnnie where I am so he could come get me,because I have no clue where the hell I am.After a few mintues,i see johnnie walking down the sidewalk,where the hell did he come from!?.
"Hi johnnie!Question where the hell did you come from?"Me
"Whale you see when two peop.Johnnie
"Haha I knew that,my apartment building is like right there"Johnnie*points to the building a few stores away*
"Ohhh well that's really close"Me
"Yup,so where do you wanna go?"Johnnie
"Um I don't know where do you wanna go?"Me
"Hmmmm we could go to IHop if you want."Johnnie
"Yeah sounds cool with me."Me
We walk to IHOP,which was like 10 minutes but eh at least we got to know each other more and be complete whackjobs.We enter the building and go to the person.
"Hi welcome to IHOP,how many?"Waiter
"Ok right this way"Waiter
We follow the lady and she leaves.
"Why are waitresses so positive and happy?"Johnnie
"I have no idea"Me
"Me either,so what are you getting?"Johnnie
"Hmmm,welp,uhh I don't know probably some pancakes with bacon."Me
"That sounds good"Johnnie
The waitress comes back and takes are order,me and Johnnie talk and mess around and then we eat when are food arrives.We both pay and then we leave IHOP.I check my phone and Vizzy finally woke up she texted me to bring her food.Wow isn't she something.
"Hey johnnie Vizzy wants me to bring her some food"M
"Ok where do you wanna go?"J
"Let's order her some chicken nuggets from Mcdonalds she'll Probably like that."M
"Ok to Mcdonalds!" J
We go to Mcdonalds and order Vizzy some food.Then me and johnnie head back to the apartments.We arrive to my building and johnnie walks with me to my room.
"Well that was fun."M
"Yeah,maybe we can chill later with Bryan and Craig."J
"Yeah we can have like a movie night or something!?"M
"Sounds cool!Ill tell Bryan and Craig and we can discuss the details later."J
"Yeah sure."M
"Ok well I'll text you later bye blade"J
"Bye johnnie"M
Johnnie hugs me and hesitates he then kisses my cheek and leaves.
I open the door and slide down thinking about that kiss,i mean yeah it was on the cheek but WHO WOULDNT WANT JOHNNIE GUILBERT TO KISS THEM ON THE CHEEK!!!exactly now you see my point.
"What the hell happened to you?"Vizzy
What is wrong with this girl,i have no idea.
HI GUYS DID YOU MISS ME!?!?!Also I know it probably sucked really bad,oh and I have no idea if that's what happens at IHOP but oh well.I am SOOOOOOOOOO~1million O's later~SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED.I guess Its well just I had writers block and like I couldn't think and then with school and chores and then I finally wrote soemthing and is romed little by little and now I finally have a chapter!!!Hopefully I can update more and not get sidetracked or lazy so yeah hopefully.welp see you next time DONT FORGET TO VOTE,COMMENT AND UH FOLLOW IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY:)
Oh also don't you guys love my digital escape I know I do!!!:D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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