Nassor x reader- Part 2

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For hours Toshiaki (but mostly Bob) were trying to give Nassor ideas and ways of asking Y/N to be his date to the dance. Nassor was taking in the information but wasn't sure is he would be able to play it out.

It was time for the baseball game and all Nassor could think about was how to ask Y/N to be his date to the school dance. He then saw her small figure walk over to the bench to his left. He looked over and saw her staring at him. She smiled sweetly at him which caused butterflies to go crazy in his stomach. The things this girl did to him. He smiled back and looked back at Toshiaki who was also looking at Y/N. Toshiaki then looked at Nassor and smirked, he gave Nassor a look which caused Nassor to roll his eyes.

Once the game was over, Nassor removed his glove and helmet, carrying them under his arm while walking away from his team. He walked to the benches where his backpack was. Next to his backpack was Y/N. She stayed. He thought he left hours ago. She smiled sweetly at him and stood up. He walked up to his backpack and put his glove in his backpack. "Hey, Nassor!" she said sweetly. "Hello, Y-Y/N." he stuttered, smiling a little. "That was a good game! You did great!" she exclaimed. He smiled at her and put his backpack on, carrying his helmet under his arm. "T-Thanksth, Y/N." he smiled at her. She giggled and waved a him as she began to walk off. "See you tomorrow, Nassor!" "Goodbye, Y/N" he waved back and watched her walk away.

The school dance was tomorrow and Nassor's parents had bought him his outfit for the dance.

Same for Y/N

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Same for Y/N.

Nassor was stressing a lot, he had to ask her out! Or he may never get a chance like this again!

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Nassor was stressing a lot, he had to ask her out! Or he may never get a chance like this again!

Nassor's P.O.V

"Whatsth the point...?" I sighed, "Sthomeone hasth probably asthked her out to the dance already..." I sat down on the bench outside the baseball court. Toshiaki simply rolled his eyes and Bob looked at me, empathy radiating off of him. "Don't give up, Nassor! If someone has already asked her to the dance, I highly doubt she'd be able to say no to you! I've seen the way she looks at you too! Just try, man!" exclaimed Bob. I sighed. 'Wait! It's a masquerade party! That means I'll be wearing a mask! What if I ask her to the dance like that? No... she'll know it's me right away... But I could slip a note in her backpack... Yeah!'

"Thatsth It!" I exclaimed. This startled both Toshiaki and Bob, "I gotta go!" I then ran off and sprinted home.

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