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Time had come. Monday 20th July. Todoroki looks at himself in the mirror and sighed. The day was here. No more running. No more lying. Today was the day he was going to ask out his crush.
Izuku Midoriya.
Oh fuck was he nervous.
His hands were shaky.
His knees were weak.
He couldn't seem to stand on his own two feet.
He's in love.
He's all shook up!
He felt like passing out.
But he was still so excited.
This was his very first time at happiness and he didn't even ask for it to be handed to him. He had put so much into this so, you know what? Whatever the outcome of today, he was going to sleep peacefully knowing he tried.
He checked his phone for a quick time check before class.
Time to head on out.
Onto that scary tightrope of fate.
'Good Luck.'
Aizawa was asleep in his sleeping bag as per usual on a free period like today. Everyone was going about their business and Todoroki was surrounded by his posse of positivity giving him their best wishes before he made his move.
"Alright Todo, I got Aoyama to fine tune your outfit for the date coming up if all goes smoothly!"
"We got to have our own heart to heart last night and I gave you the best of luck. You got this, kero."
"I have given you my full confidence multiple times. Todoroki-kun, Midoriya would have to be a fool to refuse. And besides!"
"You had your ears on the inside!" Uraraka cut in, her tone as bubbly as ever. "Just don't sweat it, you'll do great!"
"Alright. I-uh- I think I'm ready."
With a few cheers of good luck, with heavy feet he strode towards Izuku's desk.
His heart beat like a big brass band.
His feet felt like jello.
What could he say? What should he say? Was he ready? Nope. Oh god. Oh god oh fuck. Nonononono-
"Midoriya." He said in his usual monotonous, unbothered tone. He looked up surprised.
"Todoroki-kun! Do you need something." He smiled warmly at the boy like Yaomomo had taught him. "Just one thing," he put a hand on Izuku's shoulder and whispered in his ear. "Head over to my room after class ends. Need to talk to you about something. Privately." He started to walk away and as he turned catch a glimpse of him, their eyes met. Thinking quickly on what to say, all he could utter was a simple sentence that held one hell of a powerful meaning for the both of them.
"Don't be late, alright?"
Then he was back at his desk.


Knock at his door stirred Todoroki from his bed and made him jump to his feet, his heavy heart pulled him to earth as if he'd float away with joy without it.
He went to the door and let Izuku in. This was it.
"You said you wanted to talk to me, right? What's going on Todoroki-kun?"
"Come in, Midoriya. I need to ask you something." He gestured you his bed. "Please, sit with me."
Then it was just him and Midoriya. He has never had someone so beautiful so close to his warm hand.
"What does it feel like to have a crush?"
"Tell me. This is something I genuinely want to know."
"W-well um, uh, it's like, uhhhh- think of it like feeling time stop for just a brief moment and you see them and, depending on who you are, they can either be close enough to hold or far from it but never leaving your sight." Izuku paused for a moment. He sighed and continued. "D-does that answer your question Todoroki-kun?" Todoroki gulped.
"It may sound insane but I know what that feels like. It hurts. You're so scared of rejection that you forget that you have a voice. And with that voice you can change your fate forever." He took a shaky breath and shattered his fears. "With that being said," he took Izuku Midoriya's hand. "Izuku. That day at the sports festival. You made me realise that I am more than my past. That I have the power to move forward with my life and the trauma that I've endured is what I can use as fuel to strive for the better. Allow me to repay you by asking, will you be my boyfriend?"
Right there and then, for once, Izuku was completely and utterly speechless.
No mumbling.
No fumbled words.
Just him.
And Todoroki.
And the thick tension in the air as the it awaited his answer. He jumped into Todoroki blubbering about how grateful he is for the offer and he's going to do all he can to be the best boyfriend. Ever!
They lay there for the next few minutes talking to each other about how happy they are and how much it took for both of them to confess. Nothing insane. Just two love sick boys enjoying the company of one another.
"Now as you're new boyfriend, I feel I should treat you."
"T-treat me? How?" Todoroki chuckled. "Are you free this weekend?" He nods nervously. "Then how about I drop by and take you to this nice mochi place I know. You do have a strong sweet tooth don't you?"
"I-I'd love to! And of course I'm free! And-um what time w-will you be picking me up?"
"Around eight-ish. One thing to note is I am known to spoil people I like. You are no exception, my dear. Now run along and get some rest. We still have lessons tomorrow after all."
The two walked to the door and, like the gentleman he is, Todoroki opened the door for Izuku and kindly allowed him to walk out. But before he left there were some words to be said.
"Oh Izuku?"
"Yes?" Todoroki took his hand and gently kissed the knuckles. "Thank you for accepting. You're wonderful."
"I-um-ah-I, T-Thank you." They paused and awkwardly stared at each other getting lost in each other's features until Izuku broke the silence. "S-SEE YOU TOMORROW OKAY?! BYEEE!" And off he sped away for Todoroki to close his door. He sank against the closed door in disbelief. Then jumped up and celebrated in the still flowing adrenaline. He flopped onto the bed and wrapped himself in the covers. "T-thank you everyone." He mumbled. Today was a great day.

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