I'm 15 years old. I love to read, write, and draw. What I didn't know was that I was soon to become a Sailor Scout. I'm Sailor Moon. 🌙 My job is to protect and defend the people of this Earth from the evil out of this world.
Food-Don't have one
Hair-Dirty blonde
Real birth place-The moon
Second-The earth
What shows I represent the moon-A cresent on my forehead that appeared out of no where while I was sleeping
Powers-Flying, future seeing,magic moon wand-it can heal things and is very powerful, and magic moon tiara
League-Sailor Scouts
Role-Leader and princess
Taught me what I know- Luna a talking cat
Apocalypse Love
RomanceWhen the apocalypse started no one was sure what to do. Running and hiding was one of the main things to do. Some didn't make it out. The ones who did well why would I be here if I wasn't here to tell you.