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10 years ago..

I can remember this like it happened yesterday. My father was laid on the concrete sideway, while blood poured out his head.

" Erica" My mother screamed

All I could do is look at my father's lifeless body.

The whole neighborhood rushed outside and instantly started to cry. My father was a neighborhood hero and everyone adored him.

Yes my dad had his past but for the kids, women and elderly he had the upmost respect for them.

The ambulance and police arrived , the taped the scene up and the paramedics took his body to the hospital.

I still was in disbelief, I stood there. I can't believe I witnessed my father die in-front of me.

My mother grabbed me and picked me up and put me in the car.

She had tears running down her face , running every light, swerving in and out of lanes.

I looked down at my shirt, it was blood splattered all on my yellow shirt.

We arrived at the hospital, she waited in the room impatiently.

My father was pronounced dead at the scene.

He had no chance of survival, who ever wanted to kill him wanted to make sure he wouldn't survive.

Who could my dad possibly piss off for them to do that to him.

I will do everything in my power to get revenge for my father, I was 10 years old and witnessed my father die. I had my my whole life ahead of me that my dad will now miss.

This isn't over..

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