Your name feels like acid in my mouth
My throat tightens with the letters
I want so badly for everything to be okay
I want us to be okay
But maybe this is better you know
I wanna cry everyday thinking about this
I thought you were for me
And I think you've made me worse
As much as I love you, I have to let you go
You were my everything so it hurts
The thought of you hurts
Al the memories hurt
I just want to blur it out but I can't
And as much as I want to hate you..
You make me happy
And I hate it because I don't want it to
I don't want to love you
But at this point my heart lives for you
Your smell I can still remember
Your touch was everything
I melted being near you
I still remember me just wanting to put my face in your chest
I remember kissing you and loving every second
I remember the pain and how I didn't want to care
Your smile always made it better
I want you out my head
But the feeling of me forgetting you breaks my heart
I hate you
I swear I do, because I want to so badly
I hate that I love you
I hate that you've done this to me
I hate that I still want to be around you
But in the end I still love you