Forever Directioner Chapter 1

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You wake up early Saturday morning. Your mom yells down to you, "Talia! Your foods ready!" You slowy slump downstairs to grab your food and head back up stairs and get ready for work. You find your green, wait no its halloween your orange collard shirt and your black apron. You grab your under wear and bra and head to shower. You get out and take the shower cap off your head. You get dressed and straiten your hair and do your makeup. Light orange with dark red eye liner. You head downstairs and you see your 5 year old little sister, Abagail, Listening to Live While We're young. "Hey Abby!" You said as you picked her up. "Hi Tali!" You set her down and kiss her fore head. "I'll get you from Mari's house after work!" You say walking out the door. Your car, which is a horrible shade of fuscia. You hop in and head on to work at Starbucks. A cute boy with handsom blonde hair and a crutch walk up. "Can I get a normal coffee with a small peice of lemon cake." He smiles at you. "I like your eyes. There a beautiful shade of blue" He say to you. You relize he has an irish accent. "Sure. Thanks. That will be $4.75. What happened to your leg?" He hands you the proper amount of money, "I was playing ball and I injured my knee. It requires surgery." You get out the lemon cake and set it down. As you go to make his coffee you continue speaking. "Ahh thats gotta suck." he reads your name tag, "Thanks Talia. I'm Niall." He hands you his number. Now you know where he is from! He is Niall James Horan of One Direction. Your best friend Leann walks up. "Was that Niall!?" She sounds so excited. "Yeah he gave me his number." He waves at you as he see's you through the window. Was he flirting with you? 

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