Heated Peter

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3rd POV

To put it simply, Wade was over the MOON.
All he could think about was Peter, and how Peter had kissed him.

To be honest, he felt bad that he had decided to ask as if nothing had happened that day. But to Wades defense, he hadn't been kissed in a long time.

Wade was actually on his was to Peters house, he wanted to say sorry for being so awkward on their "date".

Wade pulled up the window to Peters room and hoped in, only to realize that Peter was in nothing but a large t-shirt and boxers.

"Looking good, spidy" Wade flirted, making Peter jump.

"What the hell are you doing here! You can't keep doing this! You're gonna get yourself killed!" Peter hissed at Wade.

"If I die looking at those beautiful legs of yours, I would be more than happy, baby boy!" Wade laughed.

Peter rolled his eyes, before asking Wade to sit.

Wade had really caught Peter in bad timing. Before Wade had gotten there, Peter was having... to say shortly... very inappropriate thoughts about a certain masked man.

And Peter had no idea where this burst of confidence came from, but in the end he chalks it up to him thinking about Wade so much, the adrenaline just built up.

Wade sat on Peters bed, and much to Wades surprise, Peter sat on his lap.

Wades eyes went wide, not that Peter could see anyways. Peter, still on a confident adrenaline high, pulled Wades mask up to his nose, before grabbing Wades face with both hands and kissing him. Hard.

Wades hands automatically flew up to Peters hips, gripping at Peters little love handles.

The kiss was messy, and Peter had never kissed anyone like that before. But the adrenaline in Peters head only went higher and higher very seconds his lips stayed on Wades.

Wade, still completely shocked about what was currently happening, opened his mouth, and Peters tongue slipped it. Their tongues danced around each other, Peter letting out a little sigh in enjoyment. These little sounds Peter made when they made out drove Wade crazy.

His grip on Peters hips became tighter, the more turned on Wade was starting to get.

Peter pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva connected the two. They were both breathing hard, and Peters adrenaline high seemed to come crashing down. His face turned bright red, and he got up from Wades lap.

"I- I have no idea what is wrong with me!" Peter said, frustration and embarrassment just seeping from his words.

Wade stood up and walked over to Peter, "That was fucking hot dude, like, not gonna lie~" Wade trailed a finger down Peters side, "you got me hot and bothered in all the right places~" Wade groaned into Peters ear.

Peter looked up at Wades masked face, and Wade could tell what was going on inside Peters brain. Wade took a deep breathe in, and then proceeded to pull his mask off.

He stared straight at Peter, terrified at what he might say.

But Peters eyes stayed soft, loving, and Wade could feel himself melt over Peters light brown eyes.

Peters eyes met with Wades own bright blue ones.

"Wow..." Peter whispered, before standing on his toes to kiss Wade again.

This time, Wad let himself sink into the kiss. He picked up Peter, Peters kegs wrapping around Wades torso.

Wade walked over to the bed, laying down on top of Peter. Wade bit down on Peters lip, Peter moaning softly. They continued to make out, Wade in between Peters legs on the bed.

Now, one would think Wade was the sex deviant in this situation, but much to Wades surprise, Peter started to grind his hips up against his.

"Ooo baby boy, don't start yet.." Wade moaned, feeling himself get harder and harder.

Peter will admit, he's never done a thing like this before. Much less now, at midnight, with both parents home. But Peter genuinely liked Wade, and his hips had a mind of their own.

Wade also began grinding up again Peters ass, making Peter moan softly, a tint of frustration in his voice.

"Wade..." Peter felt his stomach hot, and his chest was pounded harder than he's every felt before.

Peter and Wade continued to make out, their tongues fighting each other, and Wade kissing down Peters neck. Along with Wades huge hard on against Peters ass, Peter didn't know how much longer he could take of any of this.

Wade was the one to break the heated kiss.

"Look, baby boy, as much as I would love to eat you up, I don't even know if we're a thing or not!" Wade said, but Peter just pulled him back into another kiss.

Peters arms snaked around Wades shoulder, pulling his in closer. Peter arched his back, trying to push himself as close as possible to Wade. One of Wades hands went to Peters hip, while the other went around and grabbed Peters ass cheek.

Peter let out a weak mewl, and Wade could clearly tell that Peter wanted more than what they were currently doing.

But Wade also knew that he had to stop this.
"Peter, baby boy, come on," Wade tried pulling away from the fiery kiss, only to have Peter bite his lip to keep him from going anywhere.

Wade just chuckled, before pinching Peters butt, which made Peter gasp, and Wade could pull away.

"Hey hey, calm it down spider boy, I'm not going anywhere~" Wade groaned into Peters ear, "But, we cant do it right now."

"Why not!" Peter whined, tugged at the neck of Wades spandex, trying to pull him back in.

"Because you're not in the right state of mind, and that's coming from me, Deadpool" Wade laughed.

Peter sighed, he knew Wade was right.

"Okay, but... stay here... tonight..." Peter looked up at Wade with wide eyes, and Wade couldn't possible resist.

"Okay.. yeah.."

Peter looked at Wade with devilish eyes, "okayyy... now take your suit off!" Peter smirked.

Wade just rolled his eyes, "You just can't wait to see this gorgeous, model body"


Wade laid on Peters bed, in nothing but underwear, while Peter lay right up against him, Peters head on Wades scarred chest.

But unlike Peter, who was fast asleep, Wade couldn't sleep.

He hadn't really acted like much himself lately, and he was thinking it up all because of Peter. He didn't want to do anything bad to Peter.

And to think, someone had hired him to kill this little innocent spider.

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