The Cities

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Unlike the Clans, there is only one Empire. But that Empire is split into several groups known as Cities. Each City has their own camp, but share the rest of the territory. Cities are not like Clans, they don't fight or dislike each other. While their can be rivalries and competition, at the end of the day, cats of the Empire of Hiraeth stand together, no matter what City they belong to. They're like cities in the human world - seperate, but part of one country.
The Cities are split based on values.

The City of Tempest is the City that values bravery. They place equal value on mental and physical forms bravery - facing fears, doing great physicals acts and such. These cats believe that for a cat to be strong and happy, they must challenge themselves.

The City of Luminescence value kindness. These cats believe that being kind to themselves and others is how every cat should live. It's easy for an outsider to assume they're all soft, but that isn't true. There's a dangerous side to kindness. Anything can be justified by kindness.

The City of Lucid value self improvement. They believe that if every cat worked hard to make themselves the best versions of themselves that they could be, if every cat tried to improve themselves throughout their lives.

The City of Epiphany value intelligence. They believe that intelligence is the foundation of society. These cats believe in extending knowledge.

The City of Solitude is the City where cats who cannot choose a City live. This is looked down upon by the Empire. These cats are seen as dirty, as unwelcome, as if there's something wrong with them. There's a great deal of stigma around being part of the City of Solitude, and there are usually only a few members. These are the cats who can't choose what value they care for the most. They're treated as invalid, taken care of by others, usually from the City of Luminescence. They receive "treatment," given herbs by pryla'ans and guidance from ulnas.

The City of Hiraeth isn't a City in the respect that the others are. This City is where the Noctua, the Iht, and the Aranines reside. This is mainly a place of residence, but it's often seen as the life of the Empire - which is why it shares the name of the Empire. This is because it's where the kits live, the future of the Empire, and the Noctua, the leader.

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