Recap: Eleventh Record

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Jae-kyung draws Min-joon out of the city for a private chat—or rather, a private murder, though when we’re talking about Jae-kyung I guess you’re dealing with equal odds there. Jae-kyung pulls a dart gun on him and declares his intention to tie up both his loose ends—first Min-joon, then Song-yi.

He pulls the trigger, but Min-joon vanishes. He reappears behind Jae-kyung to warn him to stop his villainy. Jae-kyung is rattled, especially when he whirls around and finds nobody there.

Min-joon reappears before his eyes and Jae-kyung shoots a second time, only to have Min-joon vanish again. What’s significant isn’t that Min-joon saves himself but that he’s chosen to reveal himself fully—he could have acted without betraying his powers, but he’s taking the risk to make Jae-kyung understand that he can’t kill Min-joon (and therefore Song-yi).

Jae-kyung screams for Min-joon to show himself, but this time Min-joon just knocks him out from behind. Jae-kyung crumples.

In Min-joon’s library, Killer Secretary ducks behind the table (having been sent to plant Min-joon’s forged suicide note) when Song-yi enters. He readies a weapon, but stops when Song-yi takes a phone call and tells her brother where she is.

Song-yi casually makes her way out, but the second she’s home she starts trembling violently. We now see the scene from her perspective, as she’d spotted Killer Secretary’s reflection in the bookcase glass.

She orders Yoon-jae to call security, and is shrewd enough to sense danger when a knock sounds at her door. The voice reminds her of the “doctor” who drugged her the night her car almost ran off the cliff, and she double-checks with security, who confirms that they hadn’t sent anyone up yet.

Now her worries turn to Min-joon, since he would have been the intruder’s target. She calls while he’s in his car, shivering and weak—ah, one of Jae-kyung’s tranquilizer darts found its mark, and he’s feeling the effects. But the moment he hears Song-yi mention an intruder, he poofs out immediately to appear at her front door.

Min-joon hangs on just long enough to ascertain that Song-yi is okay, then collapses in her arms. Song-yi and Yoon-jae drag him to bed, where little bro looks at his noona with suspicious eyes—when did she and the neighbor man get so close? Does she like him? Song-yi blusters that there’s no way she’d get stuck liking somebody one-sidedly, and that just makes Yoon-jae think even more that she’s stuck in an unrequited crush.

But the more pressing concern is how cold Min-joon is, and Song-yi wonders how he could be reading a 28 degree (Celsius) temperature (or 82 degrees Fahrenheit). She supposes the thermometer might be broken, but it sure is strange.

Se-mi and her mother wait anxiously at the hospital while brother Seok is treated after his attack in the parking lot. Fortunately he wasn’t killed, but unfortunately his absence means that Detective Park is left to work on the case alone… and as we’ve seen, he ain’t exactly the brains of the investigation. Let’s hope he can manage on his own.

The only clue is the distinctive fountain pen left beside Seok’s body (planted, after being stolen from Min-joon’s desk), which (conveniently!) happens to be a limited edition. It bears no fingerprints, but there’s a shortlist of those who ordered it, and the detective gets to work tracking the owners down.

At the chaebols’ breakfast table, Hwi-kyung mulls over his growing suspicions about his brother and asks his parents about hyung’s ex-wife and if she really went to England. I’m not sure whether they’re uncomfortable because of the reason they cite—it’s not their place to keep in touch with an ex-family member—or because they know anything, but Hwi-kyung isn’t content to let the matter slide today.

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