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july 11th 2018

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july 11th 2018

jennie in the past couple of months had :

• a one month relationship with another girl.
• been on holiday with the school to spain for a week and met some new friends.
• recovering for her skin condition almost fully.
• happier than she was before and secure in her mindset.

but that was all going to change again, because today was sports day. it had been a full year since jisoo had fainted on the running tracks and jennie had come and comforted her.

it had been a year since jennie went over to jisoo's house for the first time to properly cuddle and enjoy each other's company.

jennie was actually starting to make small interactions with jisoo now, the occasional nod hello and asking her any questions about school.

but today, for the first two periods, chaeyoung, yuqi, shuhua, jennie and jisoo all skipped and decided to chill in a field behind the school. jennie could tell that jisoo had a major crush on yuqi, but it looked like that yuqi didn't return it what so ever.

it was unfair, jennie did feel bad. why couldn't yuqi see how amazing jisoo was-

"hey jennie! should i play bang bang bang?" shuhua asked, knocking jennie out of her thoughts. yuqi and shuhua were bigbang fans and got up immediately to do the dance, chaeyoung was watch from a distance away while jisoo and jennie were sitting together.

jennie glanced over at jisoo, at how she looked over at yuqi.

the way she looked at me once.

"you really like her don't you?" jennie mumbled, looking back at shuhua although she was addressing jisoo. jennie saw jisoo look over in the corner of her eye, slightly startled at the question.

she then looked down with a soft smile. "yeah she's so cute and sweet, but.."

jennie looked at jisoo after she had trailed off. "she doesn't like you back?" jennie finished bluntly, although it was the harsh truth.

jennie didn't know what was wrong but yuqi had been ignoring her whenever they were alone, which was extremely weird. she got even closer to jisoo when jisoo and jennie broke up, which probably explains the hatred. but even now they were cool and yuqi was still being weird around jennie.

"well i have no idea why she doesn't, you're cute and sweet too." jennie said, taking jisoo by surprise again. jennie could see the familiar blush arise on her cheeks which made her smile slightly.

"you really think so?" jisoo replied back quietly, barely a whisper.

jennie smiled confidently, looking straight at her finally. aside from all these months of neglect and heart ache, jennie still could see that jisoo was still the elegant, sweet girl she was when jennie started to like her.

"i know so." jennie confirmed, twirling a lock of her own short hair in between her

" jennie confirmed, twirling a lock of her own short hair in between her

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