you do you

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personal experience in chapter

First and all threw the year you'll feel like your losing it.
You'll cry over things you can't control.
Like assessments and test's but at the end of the day you'll be laughing with your friends and be happy.
School can fell like hell just with out all the chaotic fire burning you because the fire is the people you go to school with. They'll burn you oh yeah it will hurt but like I said you have friends who you can laugh with.
' personal experience with people like this'
There are these girls at school * not going to use names* who are really really annoying.
Ok first girl I'm going to talk about, I'm going to call here caterpillar eyebrows because that's what my friends and I call here also because her eyebrows look like full on caterpillars.
Ok so the first time I encountered her was during math class.
Ok so when you walk threw my classroom door outside there is a overview of the sports field and tables and chairs are set up there.
*Her classroom was next to mine* during math my friends and I wanted to work outside so we asked the teacher if we could ,she said yes.
So we went outside and sat at one of the tables.
My friends friend was in that class as well as one of mine and she was sitting out side as well so we go and sit with her.
And then this cloat-pole caterpillar eyebrows comes by eating an apple like oh I don't know a pig rowling around in mud she's munching and crunching it while walking out and she decided to sit with my friend group with her friend.
So we're all sitting there her Crunch! Crunch! Over and over again. * Side point I have this thing where I can't stand people eating with their mouths open and it can get so bad I can't eat around people sometimes* so this starts to annoy me a lot and I mean a lot.
So my friends and I are sitting there all sorta looking at each other and then at her they all know I got the thing with people eating,* I don't like talking to people about how their eating* but she gets so annoying that I break and say " can you please chew with your mouth closed." That's all I asked and she said " why do I need to you got a problem with me mate?" In a threating voice. And so at one point this eating thing got so bad my dad started to tease me with it and I almost hit him so I didn't want to hit her so under my breath I just kept saying ' don't hit her, don't hurt her'. And so she heard me and was like " you think you can beat me up I'll tear you to pieces" and so I just look at her and go back inside the classroom.
And throughout the day she kept sitting near me.
At the end of lunch when we came back to the classroom she sat near me and was chewing something and smacking her lips just to get me riled up so I look at her and she said " stop staring at me." And my friend asked what her deal was and I just replied with she's just being witchy with a b.
And so this keeps going on and at the end of the day after the free time in the computer room with my friends joking about her eyebrows it's time to leave and so she's standing there and I look at her " stop staring at me" was all I got so I look at my friends and back at her to make sure I got her attention and got my hair and covered over my eyebrows to make it look like hers and said and I quote " stop staring at me" in a really mean voice just like hers and she replied with you think your funny do you and of course I replied with yes.
I know I'm funny I can make strangers laugh with just one line can you.
And so me and my friends have a good laugh at that.
The next day she didn't bother me so I thought all will be ok.
Until lunch.
Now this is where it got out of hand.
She got some ninth graders and ganged up on my friends and saying things like.
" Did you send threats at her because if you did she will beat you up."
And then asked my friend that wasn't even at school the day before if she tried to push caterpillar eyebrows down the stairs.
Next thing they take out chips and crackers and start munching and crunching right in front of me and my friends.
A teacher was standing like what 5 feet away she could hear all the threats they were sending and just told us the bell rang for class.
So I did the right thing and went and told the teacher.
She stopped everything she was doing.
Until camp.
We were traveling by plane to Canberra.* In Australia*
My friends and I in my class got to share a room but my friend in eyebrows class had to share a dorm wth her.
And so since caterpillar eyebrows couldn't get to me she moved on to my friends.
You know what really got me angry when my friend came into my dorm room crying because eyebrows threw her stuff all around the room and put her toothbrush in the bin. My friend offers her a spear toothbrush she bring.
That all got shut down quickly.
Until we got back to school and she started to spread rumours around the school about my friends. That went on for about a week and a half almost two because my friend didn't want a teacher to know the rumours or something.
So I had to tell my teacher again what caterpillar eyebrows was doing and it got shut down.
Fun fact tho never bothered me or my friends ever again so win win.
Until THIS WITCH I'm gonna call her target A decides to pop and hop on the let's annoy this person's life now train aka my train. But oh boy she new nothing about me .
This all started about the same time as this other girl or right after.
Turns out they are friends found that out the hard way.
The first few sentences she ever said to me were " dose she look like she's about to cry. I think she's about to cry." To her friend who I'll say is nice and caring.
And so I just walked on my way to class. And anyway I had really back allergies that day.
* She's in my class*
Ok so next few days nothing just her looking at me well death glaring me but same thing.
But like it's her tone of voice that gets to me.
I had a headache and she was like are you alright but said it in a really like moody mean sarcastic voice but she always speaks to me like that so nothing new there.
But what really confuses me is when we do science were in the same group is that she'll call me dumb and say I know nothing and then say your the smart one you answer the questions like uuhhh right you know what I won't answer the questions for you.
And so she gives me attitude and all that so..
* Personal stories over*
There just two girls I've experienced half way there this year.
And there will definitely be people like this in your life so I can give you a tip.
Their just being mean to you for the sake of it or there is a problem at home just take them aside and talk it out.
And if that dose nothing.
Be YOURSELF and DON'T let ANYONE tell you different.
If your crazy be crazy.
If your sassy use your sass people.
Don't let some petty people run and ruin your life.
You do you and only you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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