Chapter 1: Strange Princess

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Lillian hum a little tune to herself as she folded a piece of cloth into a neat square, She placed it on the table and took another.

Time flies so fast

6 years since Lady diana died after giving birth to the beautiful Princess Athanasia

And for six years, she didn't catch a glimpse of the supposedly father of her ward. Lillian hadn't heard anything from the gossiping maids about the tyrant of a emperor, not that she was hoping to even see his face, once is enough and that was only the time she boldly beg for him to take care of lady Diana's child

Her eyes couldn't help but stray towards the usually bubbly baby-now-turned toddler in the play room. The toys hasn't been touch nor scattered like they are supposed to be, all of them were neatly piled infront of the princess to play but had only been subjected by those beautiful jewel eyes for the past hour in favor of the tome too big for those little hands. Once again, lillian tried to remind the little one that she's a child, a child  that should fun under the sun, not close herself into the already isolated palace and read books all day long

But then again, since when princess Athanasia ever act like a child to begin with?

The ruby palace hadn't been the same since that happened, it was the most horrifying sound that she ever heard and hadn't stop plaguing her in her dreams, she was the nearest to the room when she heard that cry of distress and the hurt that she couldn't properly describe but still tugged something inside her. Lillian didn't think twice and drop all the priceless teacups and plates in favor of running to the princess' room with a bang, critical eyes scanning for the person that hurted her charge

it was the first time that the maids in the ruby palace scramble to arrive at the princess' room, 15 second after she arrived in search of the perpetrator who inflict such damage to their charge, afraid that they'll get beheaded for slacking of and neglecting the baby of the royal line

(but then again, since when did the emperor care?)

They didn't catch the person, nor are there any traces of them in the room at all, just the lone baby in the crib who continue to cry her heart out as if in pain

Just looking at those haunted Jewel eyes made her shiver, a child, let alone a baby who just turned 1 shouldn't have those kind of eyes. Eyes that look like it already lose the will to live, tired and so very dead, Lillian tried to wipe such image in her head and held the crying baby in her arms, tried to seep her warmth and comfort

That was the last time she ever saw such expressive face on the princess

Princess Athanasia hadn't changed from that stoic, silent child no matter how much she tried to influence the little one to be happy, smile and let her know that someone is there loving her. Lillian could only watch her grow up while only being in the sideline as Athanasia  grows and rapidly mature under her watch, her young face devoid of any emotion nor true happiness around everyone that tried to appease such unsettling child

Princess Athanasia is different

She was there when a lone child manage to bring all around her to their knees, Lillian was beside her when  the maids that tried to steal right under her nose, thinking that they could outsmart a child and profit from the priceless objects around the palace

They had been taught a lesson, subjected under the pressure of something invisible, its suffocating and terrifying that the morons fainted a few seconds after, even beside the child that just reach her hips, Lillian could feel the power that Princess Athanasia excluded even if its fully directed infront

Pure, powerful magic that saturated the air, seeping out of such tiny creature that she could barely believe it

She could almost taste the darkness tainting the edges of such pure magic

Princess Athanasia never bothered to sought them out as soon as she was able , only when it's really necessary (which wa rare and only approach lillian about it) and was worryingly independent for a child her age, poised and elegant that the thought of hiring someone to teach her dear princess the Ethics of a royal would be laughable, even the wary maids of the Palace will vigorously agree.


Princess Athanasia didn't mind her presence, sort of.

She seems to be the only person that Princess Athanasia approve of, or well, doesn't mind standing a few feet beside her as she read the tomes and books in the library all day (Lillian got a feeling that the princess truly understands what the books are talking about but didn't dare prying incase the little one gives her the cold shoulder, like that one time she demanded where the princess had been)

Still, lillian wanted her to shower with love and affection, for she could see the loneliness and shards of something broken that she hoped would be restored in those guarded cerulean eyes. even if Lillian makes a fool of herself, act childishly that would've made her ancestors horrified, be the one who acts like the omchild out of the two of them, Lillian wouldn't care.

It didn't matter what the other people thought of her, even if they called her eccentric and a lunatic for trying to appease a child (a freak as the maids whispers behind their back) ,

if it meant  those eyes would meet hers and see a flicker of care, no matter how small it is, if it meant she will get even a twitch of a smile from the cold princess, She wouldn't mind doing so

Lillian would stay by her side till the end


Author's Note
I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE T^T Alot of quiz, school activity and the need for students to surrender their phone during school hours rendered me from finishing this chapter

It looks rush and contains alot of Grammatical error and misspellings (Im sorry for thattt)

And now for the last part



There will be alot of drama from the future chapters, i can promise you that❤️please be prepared for a OOC princess and claude >\\<

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