Your Very handsome

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Viola Pov
Me and Bella just got off the plane, got our luggage and went to find our dad I was happy I finally get to meet him I wasn't able to cause I was a baby but Bella did and even though she's way older than me I love her a lot and she does too and she protective of me but I can't blame her I'm 7 years old and I was homeschooled but here in Forks I heard there's a elementary/high school mix here. I then feel Bella grab my hand and lead us to a man how I assume is our father.

Dad: Hey Bella nice to see you again

Bella: Hey dad... Oh um this is Viola

Viola: Hi....Dad

Dad: Hello....

Bella: Let's get going

Dad: Right let's go

We head to the car, get in and it was a silent drive other than Dad saying stuff about Bellas hair but that was a awkward conversation but we soon made it to the house where dad carried Bellas stuff and she helped me with mine. Dad showed us our rooms mine was very nice and a bit bigger than Bella's but I didn't care about that but what really caught my eye was a big stuffed rabbit on my bed
(Pretend the stuffed rabbit is on the bed and ignore the girl)

 Dad showed us our rooms mine was very nice and a bit bigger than Bella's but I didn't care about that but what really caught my eye was a big stuffed rabbit on my bed (Pretend the stuffed rabbit is on the bed and ignore the girl)

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I went up to it and hugged it

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I went up to it and hugged it. It was very soft and cuddly.

Dad: I heard that you loved stuffed animals so I got you that and I also got you these

He than brings in a couple more stuff animals there not as big as the Rabbit but they were all very cute and I love them all already

He than brings in a couple more stuff animals there not as big as the Rabbit but they were all very cute and I love them all already

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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