Motion Sickness

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After the whole 2 hours of long ride with full of stories and laughters, the family finally reached their destination.

"Wah! Yepuda!" Hani said took off her seatbelt as she look at through the windows to the beautiful scenery she witnessed.

"Ill take off the things first" Heechul said to her wife, Hani nod in reply.

"Ill help you, also need the twins stroller, my arms cant handle them" Hani giggled.As she followed Heechul near the car's compartment.

"It could be a prefect workout hon" Heechul chuckled.

"It does?" Hani teasefully showing her little biceps.

"Ill take it back, your shoulders are still broad" Heechul laughed.

"Yah! Youre so annoying!" Hani teasefully slap Heechul on his arm.

"Since 15?" Heechul replied with a smirk, reminiscing from the time that he always tease Hani for having a broad shoulders.

"Neh!" Hani said as she took off the twins stroller and teasefully pushed Heechul from the side.

"Meanie" Heechul replied, as both of them laughed.

"Eomma!" Ha Yeon called.

"Arraso, chankaman" Hani said and get back to get the twins.

"Alright, you two behave in the stroller okay? Kaja" Hani cheerfully said to the twins as she pushed the stroller heading to the reception of the hotel.

"Boys, samchon we'll be back okay?stay in the car" Heechul instructed as he should give the things first to the in charge of bringing the things they have into their room.

"Okay" Tae In and Tae Hyuk replied.As Heechul rush to the main entrance of the hotel to catch up her wife and the twins.

"Hand the things to the hotel butler, Ill get the boys" Heechul said to her wife headed back to the parking lot, Hani nod in reply.

"Goodmorning maam welcome to Hanguk Sunset Hotel" the receptionist greeted.

"Goodmorning also, ahmm room for Kim Heechul?" Hani said.

"Oh yeah here you go maam, are there how many kids maam?" the receptionist hand the key card and added.

"4 kids, two 11 months old, 7 years old and 3 years old" Hani politely replied.

"Oh for buffet service in dinner maam the 11 months old are free but the 7 and 3 there are additional payment" the receptionist explained.

"Oh okay okay, thank you" Hani smiled.

"Have a great time!" the receptionist added.

"Samchon, we can go swimming right now?" Tae Hyuk asked while he was on his uncle's arm.

"Of course after we place our things at our room" Heechul said while holding Tae In in her other arm while he carried Tae Hyuk on his other arm heading to where Hani is.

"Oh here you guys are, now lets go" Hani said as Heechul and the boys entered the hotel heading to the elevator.

As soon as the elevator opens at the 22nd floor, Hani pushed the twins stroller as Heechul holding Tae Hyuk on his arms while Tae In followed holding tightly his uncle shirt at the side.Heechul struggle to pull of the pass card as he is holding Tae Hyuk but eventually he tend to manage opening it as soon it opens a luxury room welcome them by its elegant wide glass window where you can overlook the whole island.

"Woah!" Hani's jaw dropped.

"This is amazing!" Tae In run toward the first bedroom he saw.

"Opps Tae In-nah no jumping in the bed okay?" Heechul said as he immediately stop Tae In from running.

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