Part 3 What to do for the best!

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Next morning Molly was getting Ralph's stuff ready for him, things that he would need during the day.  The special drinks that helped him to maintain his weight because he didn't eat enough normally, and his midday lunch that all too often didn't eat.  Hearing a sound behind her she turned around with a start and saw Ralph coming into the kitchen.  "You startled me boy,"  She said,  "What on earth are you doing up so early, aren't you feeling so good today?  you should have called me.  And why aren't you in your chair, you know what the doctor told you about overworking your leg."  Sighing expressively he whined,  "I feel fine mum, my leg feels fine, I hate that wheelie bin!"  She heard the catch in his voice and relented. Okay luv, don't get upset, I just worry, it's only because I love you so much, I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you."  Lowering his voice to a conspiratorial tone he replied "Mum!  I think the plant has decided to help me, you know! with my health problems."  Almost spilling the milk that she was about to pour into the little pan for his breakfast she glanced worriedly at him. Then breaking out into a broad smile she said: "You're joking of course luv, aren't you?"  Carefully picking his words, he said to her,  "Can't you see? I only got up a half-hour ago.  You know how long it takes me to get mobile, I'm slow and stiff in the mornings, and I hurt.  It takes me ages to even get into my chair!"  To prove the point he slowly walked towards her, limping heavily, but steadily even so.  "Look!" He said,  "I'm not even out of breath, sure my leg hurts slightly, hurts mum! not pains.  It's the plant!  it wants me to get better, it told me so!"  Feeling as if somebody had just walked over her grave she forced herself to stay calm.  "Have your breakfast now luv before it gets cold.  You know where to find all of your bits and pieces, I must be off to work now and I'll see you around three-thirty.  Oh and get back into your chair after you've finished your meal, I don't want to be worrying about you all day.  Promise."  Nodding he said, "I will mum, I was going to anyway, you know I wouldn't risk doing anything that might make me get worse."

May was at home now, she had finished her shift at work and was having a well-earned cuppa.  Suddenly she heard the sound of a text arriving, glancing at her mobile she saw that it was from her sister, this was very odd as she hardly ever texted May, always preferring to ring and actually speak. It read: Hi May. we need to talk v soon. today. please. I'll meet you somewhere. anytime. not at home. text me where and when. don't ring. don't tell Ralph x: This was so unlike her sister, in fact, it was a first.  Obviously, Molly was going to slip away during her working hours and that was another thing that just never happened. Straight away she texted back: Ok, Bridge cafe at 11 15: Throwing the rest of her tea into the sink she ran upstairs and got changed out of her work clothing, quickly brushed her hair and splashed some water on her face.  Snatching up a light coat as she went she set off immediately to meet her sister, her mind buzzing with questions and also an underlying dread.  Supposing it was something dreadful she had to tell her, like, she had cancer, or Ralph was getting worse.  Resolutely pushing these thoughts out of her mind she hurried along to the little cafe, and soon as she entered she spotted her sister sitting at a table in the rear corner. She walked over and joined her at her table, just as the waitress arrived with two steaming hot cups of tea.

"For goodness sake Molly!  what's this all about, you've got me worried sick girl!"   Shaking her head apologetically her sister said "Don't panic May, nothing bad has happened, but I am worried! I mean, I am totally freaking out.  It's Ralph, something's going on with him.  Ever since that day when your Fay came to our house with that plant of hers, everything has changed."  Looking a little bit annoyed May said, "what do you mean changed! are you saying my Fay has caused this?"       "No no," her sister said, "Not Fay, the plant that she brought back to ours.  You see, Ralph, well! he believes it talks to him and it's scaring me, I don't mind admitting."  Resisting the urge to laugh May interrupted, saying "That's mad Molly, he's winding you up, there's no way he believes a plant is talking to him."  Negatively shaking her head she half-whispered, I'm beginning to believe it as well, you should see that plant now! it's grown! look!"  She opened her picture gallery on her mobile and scrolled through them, finally looking up with a gasp.  "What is it Molly, what's wrong?"  Wringing her hands together in agitation she croaked out, "It's gone May.  It was there, a clear picture, I saw it, and now there is a blank there, how can that be? it won't let me show you.  Oh my god, I know why! It's worried you'll tell Fay and she'll take it back!"  Thoroughly alarmed now May said,  "Molly, just listen to yourself, will you! you're talking about a half-dead house-plant.  Sure you've taken a picture of it, yes you've checked the picture to make sure it's come out alright, and then instead of closing it you've deleted it."  Holding her forehead Molly answered, "You should have seen Ralphy this morning, he came into the kitchen, early, bright as a button, no chair, no brace.  He looks better, he's definitely a lot stronger and I've never seen him eat so well.  He believes that damn plant's looking after him, God help me May, I believe it is too.  I'm scared, so scared that I'm not going into the room with it in the dark!  I know how mad that makes me sound, maybe it is me that's going mad!"  Pursing her lips May said, "Right, this has got to stop, I'm going to come over and take that plant from you.  I'll dump it, and I'll just tell Fay that it died in the end."     "Nooooo! you mustn't,  suppose it's good! not bad! it might be Ralph's only chance of ever having a normal life.  We can get rid of it if it does something bad, I'll watch it real close May.  Look I have to get back to the school or I'll get into trouble, this conversation never happened, right!"  Keeping her voice neutral May said very well we'll play it your way sis but I do want to come over tomorrow evening and see for myself and then we'll put our thinking caps on because two heads are better than one."   As she left,  her sister said,  "Thanks for coming over May I really do feel better for having talked about it."


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