Chapter Two; Letters To You

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Chapter Two; Letters To You

[Gabriella's POV]

"Gabby," Sutton Day, one of the care takers assigned to me, said as she walked into my room.

I cringed at the name.. Gabby. "Don't call me that." I hissed. I hadn't let anyone call me that. Not my mother, not any aunts, uncles or even my best friends. The only person allowed to call me that was Harry.

She sighed, "Gabriella.." She corrected, "I want you to write a letter to him." She said pulling a notebook and a pencil case out of her tote bag.

I looked at her, my eyes narrowed, "I thought I wasn't allowed to have contact with him? I thought I wasn't allowed to think about him." I retorted, remembering when they told me I'd have to forget him in order to return back to my normal, happy self.

"Well, he's been calling your mother, and he's been calling your cellphone." She said, "I want you to tell him everything and that he needs to forget you." She added. She sat down in an ivory chair with.. vomit green stains on it. She sat forward pressing her elbows to her knees. Sutton wasn't much older than me. She looked as if she was nineteen, but I can tell she wasn't. She wasn't old, probably in her late twenties. Her hair was long and brown, her eyes a beautiful hazel color that anyone would die for.

"He'll just call more." I said, sitting back against the cold matress which was stripped not hours before, leaving the matress and cold bars behind.

"No. That's why you tell him not to." She huffed. Sutton was never a patient person. She had absolutley no patience that I knew of. She didn't like working with me because of how stubborn I was.

"He'll still call." I said, my voice raising slightly.

She sighed, "I still want you to write that letter." She said.

I nodded, making her day easier. She handed me the notebook and a pencil and I began to write the most difficult letter of my life.

Dear Harry, 

I know that you've been calling me. Wondering where I am. Why I don't answer. Why we haven't talked. Well, the answer is simple.. I'm in a psyco ward. Why? You may ask. Well, when you left I couldn't stop cying, I couldn't get through the day. Honestly, I don't know why. I guess it was because I know you'll make it through and become a big star, and forget little ol' me. I don't want that, but my treatment is to forget you.. and it would be best if you forgot about me too. I know this is going to upset you, but I want you to continue to do your best on X-Factor. This was hard to write, Harry. I'm sorry, but this is how it has to be. Say hello to all your friends for me. Maybe sometime in the future we can be friends again.. but I don't think that will be anytime soon.. Good-bye.. For now. 

Your Best Friend, 


It took, I don't know, how many hours to write that letter. Around my room there were wadded up papers, shreadded papers and crushed pencils thrown everywhere. I watched as Sutton cleaned everything up, throwing it in the waste basket.

"Is it finished?" She asked, sitting back in her chair. I sat straight up, looking at her. Her face was soft, and appologetic. I looked at her and nodded, folding the letter how Harry and I always folded our letters. I handed it to her and she took it, throwing it in an envelope and scribbling down an adress and throwing it in her bag. "I'll go mail this. It should get there tomorrow." She said. I nodded and she walked out.

I looked around and grabbed a book from the side table and opened it to the last chapter I read. Reading, it was one of the only things I was allowed to do here. I don't know why.. This has aways been my favorite book. I've read it a thousand times. I could tell you what happens on every single page. It was one of my past times, and it reminds me, so much, of Harry. I don't know why either.

[Harry's Point of View]

"Harry! You've got a letter!" Louis called running up the stars holding an envelope in his hand. He handed it to me and I opened it. I recognized the folding immediatly. Gabby. I quickly opened it, reading it. I frowned at the first few sentences but then I started crying, startiling the boys. They rushed over asking what was wrong. I couldn't answer. I was shocked, and sad. Liam took the letter from my hand ad read it. His face softened and he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, crying into his shoulder. Thankfully no one was filming today, otherwise everyone would see me cry.

"Harry, it will be okay." Liam cooed, petting my hair. "You have to stay strong, for her." He said,

I nodded, sniffling. "I know, Li." I replied. He nodded and pulled away from the hug, and when he did Lou, Zayn and Niall all started hugging me.

"Haz, it wil be okay." They said.

"I know, guys. She's been my best friend since we were young. I thought we were the exact deffinition of 'friends forever'." I said.

"Like she said, once she's better you guys could possibly be friends again." Liam said. I nodded and stood up.

"We should go. We have practice." I said trying to clear my mind.

"Are you sure?" Niall asked. I shook my head and I told the boys to go ahead and leave, and that I'd meet up with them later.

[Gabriella's POV]

"There." I said bitterly, "Are you happy." I looked at my mother, her face soft, but obviously judgeing me. I watched as she shifted around, trying to break away from my glares and the awkward feeling spreading throughout the room.

"No, I'm not, Gabby." She said. I cringed at the nickname, but I realized that I'll have to get over it sooner or later. "I never wanted to do this." She said, before cracking her fingers. "I really never did. I just wanted you to stop the crying." I could tell that she was getting aggravated.

I was also getting aggravated, with her, with Harry, and with my whole life. Everything was getting to the point where it was enough.

"Do you even think that this whole psycho ward was right!" I screamed. "Because all it's making me do is want to kill myself! I don't care if you are trying to help! You're just making things worse!"

She looked at me in shock. She stood up and walked over to me, and started to hug me. "Don't touch me." I growled. She backed away and say back in the chair. "And if I've been counting correctly I was supposed to be in here for 5 days, and it's been 4. So I'll get to leave tomorrow." I said. She nodded. "I want to live with dad." I replied.

She shook her head. "No. You're not going to live with your father."

I smirked. "If he knew I was in here he would take me in. He knows there's nothing wrong with me. I've been calling him you know."

She shook her head. "Why do you wanna live with him anyhow?"

"Because! He'll take better fucking care of me!" I yelled. I slammed my hand on the hard mattress below me. "Why would you want to put me through all this? I don't understand it! There's really nothing wrong with me. I know there's not."

She narrowed her eyes, "You read the doctors reports." She said. "You saw everything you were diagnosed with."

"And I know you payed them to say that."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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