The Past

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I was talking to her about how fucked up our so called friends were when he came into my thoughts, as it was usual whenever i left my guard down. A ghost, that's  what he was, I thought about mentioning him to share a story that happened to us so my friend cara would laugh a little but saying his name will bring that ghost to life, and thats the last thing i wanted to do this early in the morning. I didn't want to ruin my day although it was already ruined.
When i woke up I realized there was something wrong with the weather... Very wrong. It was warm, the wind soft and it smelled like guavas, hens and detergent. The birds were singing so beautifully and everything in the neighborhood felt peaceful. It reminded me of things I didn't want to remember, happier times, bad times, different times.
Now i was at school talking to ¿my friend?  At the end I decided not to talk about him, i feared what saying his name would do or what remembering his face could cause me. you may wonder how much damage can a ghost do? The answer is none really. He had no power, he wasnt there and he wont be, ever again but if you breathe life into ghosts and they invade your life they will trap you and put you somewhere you can never escape like it had happened to many... Like my father, who was 30 years in the past and has never come back.
The past is a dangerous place. Its so easy to go back to places or see some lost faces again, i would say its the only way we can feel like God himself. Thats why is so tempting.p

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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