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Snapshot: An image of Shawn Hunter, red-eyed, sitting at the kitchen counter. Jon, stood on the other side of the counter, is handing the boy a plate with a sandwich on. Shawn, despite his tears- is smiling gratefully up at his guardian.

"Explain yourself"

Shawn winced at the tone of anger and disappointment in his teachers voice, and shrugged his jacket off with a small, defeated sigh.

The boy had returned to the apartment to find Mr Turner sat on the couch waiting for him- he hadn't even bothered to check the time because he knew he was late judging by the level of darkness outside.

He was screwed.

"Look, I know it seems bad-"

The man scoffed. "Ya think?" He said, "Hunter, do you have any idea what time it is?"

The boy blanched. "Time for me to get a watch?" He humoured the man, who retaliated with a hard glare.

"Two in the morning" Jon said, "It is two in the morning, Shawn. what the hell do you have to say to that, Huh?"

Shawn, ever the teenager, grew offended at the confrontation. He opened his mouth to retaliate but was cut off by the older man, who jumped to his feet to continue his rant.

"-You know, I haven't heard from you since school ended today. You just up and leave at the last bell without a word to let me know where you're going, and then you think it's okay to show up at two in the god damn morning?!"

"Chill out Turner, I was at Cory's-"

"Don't you dare tell me to "chill" young man!"

Shawn had the decency to look startled by the mans raised voice, taking a small step back as the older man edged his way towards the teen, still talking.

"If you're going to live under my roof you gotta obey by my rules, Shawn. And nowhere in my rules does it say 'come home at whatever time you like. Don't worry about letting Jon know where you are and if your safe and- oh, I don't know- alive"

Jon grew silent, and Shawn strangely wished that he was still yelling at him. Because now he was levelling the boy with a look of disappointment so powerful that Shawn felt sick to his stomach.

He sobers, and whispers "I'm sorry, Jon". His gaze then falls to the floor, so he no longer has to look at his teacher.

The man in question purses his lips, before shaking his head. "I don't know whether you really are, Hunter."

Shawn jumps when a hand lands on his shoulder, and looks confused when he's suddenly lead by Jon to the nearest corner of the room and deposited there.

"Stay" the man says.

Now Shawn really looked offended.
"Excuse me?"

Without a word Jon turns him round to face the offending corner. Shawn is startled and a little intimidated by the mans frostiness with him- not near enough intimidated, however, to speak up.

"What the heck is this, Jon?!" He said.

"Discipline, Hunter" was his teachers reply, "You break the rules, you get disciplined- let's see how you are after facing that wall for ten minutes"

"You're giving me a time out?" The boy scoffed, turning his head round to look at his teacher, who had moved to the small kitchen area. "What am I, five?"

"You tell me" Jon said, opening the fridge and retrieving several items from inside.

Shawn's view of the kitchen was limited, but it appeared as though the man was preparing himself a late night snack. This made matters worse for Shawn, who'd forgotten to eat earlier on. If he was hungry before, he was starving now.

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