1. Before the incident

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Peter arrived at aunt May's house on the bus. He was so embarrassed. He humiliated himself in class and Flash didn't make things any better. He also just had to say , "I love you" to MJ he let it slip be accident. She blushed but his eyes were already covered. He was flustered. He wanted to relax but saw his suit out of the corner of his puppy dog brown eyes. He smiled in amusement. Today is Friday I could sleep in tomorrow. He said to himself with an excited chuckle. He slipped his suit on in a hurry. Karen awakening and ready to answer any of his questions.

Yesterday he went on patrol too. Though nothing really exciting happened that day. There were thieves but, nothing that big. He usually just sat down and stared at the city having a cheerful conversation with his A.I. Karen. So this time he wanted to do something big. Something exciting. 

 Peter swung from building to building. He loved the feeling of the cool wind against his suit. He shivered as he let go of the strand of web. Only to release another one from his right hand with a flip in between. He did another flip into the air landing on a tall building. He pulled off his mask to reveal a bright smile. He always loved the view of the city. He breathed in a couple of times. He sat down on the edge and pulled out a sandwich May had made him. He chomped down on his sandwich as he pulled out his phone to make the daily call. He swiped to the name Tony Stark and hit it with his thumb. As he waited for his idol to pick up he continued eating his sandwich.

"Hey kiddo." A familiar tone answered. "Hi, Mr. Stark! I was just calling like you always told me to do. I was wonder-" He was caught off guard as Karen told him there was a disturbance in town. He pulled his mask back down. "Karen was it that big explosion I just saw over there?" Yes, Mr Peter." He was brought back to the call after he heard tony yell in annoyance. "Kid why did you take so long to reply. I thought you hung up on me." Anger in his tone. "Call the avengers, I'll send you my location." Peter said suddenly throwing the genius off. What? Call the Avengers? He does realize he has all of our contacts right?  Besides everyone was already at the tower. Why didn't he just do a video call? Tony stood right back in front of the window. Still puzzled. He turned back to Steve to let him finish his story. 

Peter had parkour-ed faster than ever to reach his destination. His web fluid was already low not wanting to waste them. He was there before the police. Before the avengers. This might be my time to prove myself! He said happily to himself. He could't wait to see his proud dad smile at him. He stared at the top of the tower that was now alive with fire. It also spoke with the screams of men and women as they came hurdling out of the tower in a stampede.

Author's note.

This is my first story with these characters and I really want to bring my thoughts to real life.I know this first chapter is really short but there is more to come. Though if I need to work on something before continuing the story please let me know! :D

P.S. I'm sorry for the photo at the top. I just had to share it I died laughing when I watched the video.

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