Rule One: Stay on your side
Rule Two: Don't break Rule One
Rule Three: No contact with anyone on the other side
Break any of these rules, there will be consequences...
My name, Kalila means dearly loved and my last name, Lykke means happy. My parents named me this because of those meanings, were the good side. You're probably wondering what that is. There's a good side and a bad side. I'm on the good side. The bad side is filled with a bunch of bad people who do bad things and the good side is filled with good people who do good things. We have guards making sure nobody crosses sides. Once a girl from the bad side and boy from the good side fell in love and eventually they were both killed. We have three rules for each side.
Rule One: Stay on your side Rule Two: Don't break Rule One Rule Three: No contact with anyone on the other side
I know it seems stupid but it's the way I have to live, I don't get a choice. The problem is there is only one highschool here in pepel, which is the island I live on. So we have a fence to keep us away from each other. "Good morning darling." My father says as he walks into my room. "Hello father." I say. "It's time to get ready for school." He says. "Father?" I ask before he leaves. "Yes?" He asks. "What's so bad about the bad side?" I ask. "They are bad people Kalila." My father says. "What do they do?" I ask. "They steal things, they hurt and kill people, they don't know how to act any other way, it's sort of sad if you think about it." My father says. "Oh ok." I say. He leaves my room. I get ready in my dress, I'm the princess of my side. Which I don't like because nobody treats me like a normal person.
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Then two people come in my room and they do my hair and my makeup. "Thank you." I say to them. They both nod and they leave my room. I leave for school in my carrige, it's a little extra I know. I make it to school and I get out of the carrige. "Princess Kalila." Someone says to me. I look at the girl. "You look beautiful today." She says to me. I smile slightly. "Thank you love." I say and I walk into the school. I look over at the bad people on the other side of the fence. I caught eyes with a boy, he has tattoos on his arms and legs. He's wearing sunglasses inside, which I find weird and funny, but it's his choice. He's also wearing a blank tank top with black shorts. He actually isn't bad looking at all, he's cuter than any boy on my side. His eyes disconnect from mine and he continues to walk away. "Kalila." I hear a familiar voice say. I turn to see my best friend Maggy. "Maggy." I say with a smile. "Who were you staring at on the other side?" She asks me. "I don't know, some boy." I tell her. "Oh, ew, he was probably ugly." She says. "He wasn't that bad." I say. "Kalila he's on the bad side." Maggy says. "I know." I say. "Plus you're the princess, you can't break the rules." Maggy says. I roll my eyes. "I don't wanna be known as the princess. I just want to be normal like you guys." I wine. "But you can't, your mother and father are the queen and king." She says. "Yes, I know. I just want to be normal." I say. "Well the bell is going to ring soon." She says. I sigh and we walk to class together. I walk in, the fence is cutting half of the class apart. I see the boy I saw earlier. "Hello class, I am Mr. Sulzmen. So we have both good people and bad people, I'm on the good side." The teacher says. "So, we have princess Kalila in our class today, so you may choose your spot miss." He says. "Could you sit the bad people first?" I ask. He nods. He puts them in their spots, the boy is right by the fence. I could tell we have a connection, so I want to sit next to him. "I'll sit here." I say and I sit next to the boy, but the fence is in between us. "Ok." He says. Then the whole class sits in their spots. "Hello." I say to the boy. "What do you want?" He asks in a mean tone. "What's your problem?" I ask. "My problem is just because you're the princess of the good side you get to have whatever the fuck you want." He says. "Hey I don't even want to be princess." I say. "You don't?" He asks. "No, I want to be normal like everyone else on my side, but I don't really get a choice." I say to him. "Now I feel like a dick." He says. "Well you are known to be one." I say. He chuckles. "I mean you're not wrong." He says. "My name is-" I start. "Kalila." He says. "Yes, how'd you know?" I ask. "You're pretty known around here, even on the bad side." He says. "Yeah, what's your name?" I ask. "Ethan." He tells me. "What's the meaning behind your name?" I ask. "It means strong." He says. "Mines dearly loved." I tell him. "Nice." He says. He is actually nice to talk to, even if he is on the opposite side.