Tonight, We Are Young

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He looked so serene, almost angelic. Ryszard couldn't hold back an adoring smile as he watched Gilen try to keep the dance going in his own endearingly tired way. Gilen's eyes were closed with his cheek pressed against Ryszard's chest as the old Disney song continued to play from Ryszard's phone, which was lying on the coffee table. Ryszard would be lying if he himself wasn't feeling the same amount of tiredness. After all, they'd spent most of the day unpacking and setting up their new home. The essential and smaller things were in their proper places, which left the larger items still in their boxes haphazardly around the house. Though, Gilen vehemently insisted his guitars be taken out as soon as possible. Of course, they had been, settled on their stands in their room now. Sleep could wait for a little while longer. For now, he intended to keep his focus solely on the man in front of him. That is, if Gilen didn't fall asleep standing up.

At least the cats — Aiden and Johanna — would be waiting for them upstairs, if they weren't asleep already.

It was dream-like; how utterly perfect things had turned out for them, despite the rougher parts of their time in high school together. To this day, Ryszard regretted believing those students whom had fabricated the rumors that ultimately broke him and his then-best friend up. He could still picture the shocked and confused expression on Gilen's face at Ryszard recalled the things the other had allegedly planned to do to him. His tone was like a snake's fangs, dripping with venom. Then, when Gilen attempted to ask what he was talking about, he'd shoved him back and abruptly left him alone. Their reconciliation at the post-graduation party was one of the greatest days of both of their lives. Well, aside from their first meeting.

Sighing contentedly, he said more to himself than Gilen, "I have no clue as to what or who decided to bless me with a magnificent man such as yourself... Regardless, I am eternally grateful they gave me another chance to be at your side. I—"

Gilen stirred at his voice and drowsily looked up at him. "Whaddya talking about? I'm still awake, y'know."

"The absolutely, positively, undoubtedly sublime man known as Gilen Wolfgang Beilschmidt. That was what — or who, to be exact — I was talking about."

Just as expected, a reddish-pink blush spread across Gilen's pale cheeks. He chuckled a little with a sheepish smile on his face and avoided the other's gaze. Even after all of their years together as both friends and lovers, Ryszard's compliments still had the same effect.

"You know I don't like it when you describe me all exaggerated like that..."

In response, Ryszard reached over and cupped his cheek, causing Gilen to meet his gaze again.

"I only speak the truth, darling."

"That's debatable."

With an amused smirk, Ryszard ultimately leaned in, his head tilted a bit. The expectant look that formed on Gilen's face with his blush only darkening was always the cutest thing.

Once their lips touched, Ryszard closed his eyes with Gilen following suit. His hand migrated from Gilen's cheek to the back of his head, where his fingers tangled in the soft locks. Kissing Gilen was always sweet and gentle; something that took some getting used to as Ryszard sometimes lacked both attributes. Regardless, it was something he relished in. It was like coming home after a long time away, warm and safe. There was no mistaking the sheer love Gilen put into kisses (and everything else he did), with Gilen returning the kiss as well as he could despite his worn out state. It was truly commendable.

As the kiss went on, Gilen moved his hands from Ryszard's shoulders to wrap his arms around him. He lightly grasped two fistfuls of the back of his shirt. Ryszard tightened his grip around Gilen's willowy frame in response. Their chests were essentially pressed together, obviously trying to be as close as they could.

Much to Ryszard's reluctance, the need for air became too apparent to ignore, and he broke the kiss. He pulled away and opened his eyes, with the sight of those beautiful, ocean-blue eyes greeting him. He rested his palms against the sides of Gilen's face with a warm smile..

The song had long since stopped playing. Neither had really noticed.

"As much as I would love to dance the night away with you, sleep is something we all need." He saw Gilen smile at the Van Halen reference before he nodded in agreement. Just as he'd intended. "So, let's get ourselves upstairs."

Thus, Ryszard smirked before lifting Gilen up into his arms, beginning to carry him bridal style out of the living room.

Gilen quickly wrapped his arms around his neck before looking up at him with a "really?" expression before he rolled his eyes. Despite that, he rested his head against his shoulder, his previous tiredness becoming apparent again with a yawn.

"You know I had to," was Ryszard's response as he neared the stairs and began to climb them.

"Shut up and let me sleep."

"I love you, too."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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Tonight, We Are Young - 2P PruAus High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now