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Regret. All of us have regrets in our lives, but for me, probably my only regret in life was not being able to save my second older sister.

A year before the end of the world, my sister died in an accident. A prank that caused my sister's death was a plan by her so-called 'best friends' in college. She was locked in a cabinet for 12 hours. Suffocation was the cause of her death.

Jealousy, they say, my sister who was cheerful and friendly was popular after all, they are jealous of her. It wasn't their intention to kill or cause harm, they say, a prank to scare her.

They got arrested and released after 6 months because it wasn't their intention to harm her. I was devastated, but after a month of their release, they went missing. It's not really surprising , after all, my sister's crush/stalker/admirer who became her boyfriend belongs to the Otherside (underworld). Death was probably more merciful for them, but I doubted he gave them that mercy.

When the apocalypse happens, my parents and other siblings visit my sister's grave while I stay at home. I was still in denial. I was the closest to her. When we are still in elementary school, I skip two grades just to be her. 

Others don't know that we are brothers and sisters because of our family situation. I was always there for her, her first crush, her first fight with her friend, and even her mood swings when her months came. We sleep together even before her death. She was the girl in my life(together with my mother and other sister of course) because I am gay and she is the first one to know.

That's why when the apocalypse happened, I was alone at home. I feel pain all over my body, like all my bones being snaps into pieces. It was terrifying, but at the same time, it was not. I welcome the pain because I really don't have any will to survive. My last thought before darkness welcomes me was my sister smiling with open arms.

The first thing I saw was a rotten human? Moving together with me. What happened? All I remember was the pain and now these.

I remember I have a family. But what is a family? And then I remember her face. Slowly, as I advance the level of my ability. Every time I advance a level, a part of my memories returns. And then I know what I become, I become a zombie. 

Though I have my memories back, I still have to kill and take the human core for me to level up. I don't feel guilty and anything when I kill a human.

And when I was to about advance to the last level, they appear. My oldest brother, my eldest sister, and that man.

At first, they were shocked, and they recognized me. I stiffly smile at them. If I can cry, I probably cry too. But the first one who cried was my other sister. Tears flow from her eyes. I can't speak, so I growl at her. I don't want to hurt them, but the urges to kill them were too strong, so I ran towards them.

They didn't move. I growl at them. I was a meter away from them when I felt a metal around my neck, slowly squeezing my neck. My hands and feet were also bound by metal.

"What are you doing?" My sister Qing asks. Her voice was a bit hoarse.

"I can't let him go alone," that man said as the tears flowed on his cheeks. "Don't worry," he whispers. "This time, you will not be alone," as he hugs me. When he puts my head near his neck, I bit him, and then I feel that I level up.

"Don't bite too hard, love," then he wraps us with metal. Then I feel a strong electricity flows and he hugs me tighter. "I love you," he said, and when I was about to lose my consciousness, "me too." I whispered, and he looked at me, shocked, and kissed my lips. And everything went black.

A/N: And that's it for prologue~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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